Marcelo Aguiar (Algebra, combinatorics, category theory)
Dan M. Barbasch (Representation theory of reductive Lie groups)
Yuri Berest (Representation theory, noncommutative geometry, mathematical physics)
Louis Billera (Geometric and algebraic combinatorics)
David Bindel (Algebra; Applied ; Computer Science)
Kenneth Brown (Algebra, topology, group theory)
Xiaodong Cao (Differential geometry and geometric analysis)
Robert Connelly (Discrete geometry, computational geometry and the rigidity of discrete structures)
Robert L. Constable (Type theory and automated reasoning)
Anil Damle (Numerical linear algebra, computational quantum chemistry, computational statistics, fast algorithms)
Damek Davis (Applied ; Data Science)
Benjamin Dozier (Geometry)
Leonard Gross (Functional analysis, constructive quantum field theory)
John M. Guckenheimer (Dynamical systems)
Joseph Halpern (AI, security, and game theory)
Daniel Halpern-Leistner (Algebraic geometry, homological algebra, mathematical physics, and representation theory)
Timothy J. Healey (Applied analysis and partial differential equations, mathematical continuum mechanics)
Tara Holm (Symplectic geometry)
John H. Hubbard (Analysis, differential equations, differential geometry)
Yulij Iliashenko (Dynamical Systems)
Peter J. Kahn (Algebra, number theory, algebraic and differential topology)
Martin D. Kassabov (Combinatorial group theory)
Jon M. Kleinberg (Networks and information)
Robert Kleinberg (Algorithms and theoretical computer science)
Allen Knutson (Algebraic geometry and algebraic combinatorics)
Dexter Kozen (Computational theory, computational algebra and logic, logics and semantics of programming languages)
Lionel Levine (Probability and combinatorics)
Adrian Lewis (Variational analysis and nonsmooth optimization)
Kathryn Mann (Geometric topology)
Jason Manning (Geometric group theory, geometric topology)
Karola Mészáros (Algebraic and geometric combinatorics)
Justin Moore (Set theory, mathematical logic, and group theory)
Camil Muscalu (Harmonic analysis and partial differential equations)
Anil Nerode (Mathematical logic, computability theory, computer science, mathematics of AI, control engineering, quantum control of macroscopic systems)
Michael Nussbaum (Mathematical statistics)
Irena Peeva (Commutative algebra)
Jamol J. Pender (Applied probability)
Ravi Ramakrishna (Algebraic number theory)
Richard Rand (Nonlinear dynamics)
James Renegar (Optimization algorithms)
Timothy Riley (Geometric group theory)
Laurent Saloff-Coste (Analysis, potential theory, probability and stochastic processes)
Gennady Samarodnitsky (Probability theory)
Shankar Sen (Algebraic number theory)
Reyer Sjamaar (Symplectic geometry)
Slawomir Solecki (Logic)
Philippe Sosoe (Probability)
Birgit Speh (Lie groups, automorphic forms, representation theory)
Noah Stephens-Davidowitz (Theory of Computation)
Michael E. Stillman (Algebraic geometry, computational algebra)
Steven Strogatz (Dynamical systems applied to physics, biology, and social science)
Edward Swartz (Combinatorics, topology, geometry, and commutative algebra)
Éva Tardos (Algorithm design and algorithmic game theory)
Nicolas Templier (Automorphic forms)
Alex Townsend (Numerical analysis, scientific computing, and numerical algebraic geometry)
Alexander Vladimirsky (Numerical methods, dynamical systems, nonlinear PDEs, control theory)
Marten Wegkamp (Mathematical statistics, empirical process theory, high dimensional statistics and statistical learning theory)
James E West (Geometric topology, infinite-dimensional topology)
Inna Zakharevich (Algebraic topology and algebraic K-theory)
Xin Zhou (Geometric analysis, calculus of variations, general relativity)
David Zywina (Number theory, arithmetic geometry)