In the Cornell Department of Mathematics, the “applied” group includes mathematicians working in dynamical systems theory, PDEs, calculus of variations, computational algebra, applied probability theory, statistics, numerical analysis, and scientific computing. The group’s activities are often coordinated with the Center for Applied Mathematics and the graduate field of applied mathematics.
Many great mathematicians of the past would be hard pressed to identify themselves as either pure or applied, and many of us at Cornell share this philosophy. Applied mathematics is regarded as an interdisciplinary activity that results from the interaction of mathematics with other sciences and engineering. Whether new mathematics is inspired by questions arising in other fields or new applications are discovered for pre-existing mathematics, the results should stand on their own within a single discipline. In addition to applied talks in departmental seminars, the group members participate in seminars and colloquia outside the department, including the interdisciplinary CAM Colloquium and the SCAN seminar.
Faculty Members
Robert Connelly | Discrete geometry, computational geometry and the rigidity of discrete structures |
Moon Duchin | Discrete geometry, randomized models |
Joseph Halpern | AI, security, and game theory |
Timothy J. Healey | Applied analysis and partial differential equations, mathematical continuum mechanics |
John H. Hubbard | Analysis, differential equations, differential geometry |
Jon Kleinberg | Networks and information |
Robert Kleinberg | Algorithms and theoretical computer science |
Dexter Kozen | Computational theory, computational algebra and logic, logics and semantics of programming languages |
Lionel Levine | Probability and combinatorics |
Adrian Lewis | Variational analysis and nonsmooth optimization |
Anil Nerode | Mathematical logic, computability theory, computer science, mathematics of AI, control engineering, quantum control of macroscopic systems |
James Renegar | Optimization algorithms |
Laurent Saloff-Coste | Analysis, potential theory, probability and stochastic processes |
Gennady Samorodnitsky | Probability theory |
Michael E. Stillman | Algebraic geometry, computational algebra |
Steven Strogatz | Dynamical systems applied to physics, biology, and social science. |
Éva Tardos | Algorithm design and algorithmic game theory |
Alex Townsend | Numerical analysis, scientific computing, and numerical algebraic geometry |
Alexander Vladimirsky | Numerical methods, dynamical systems, nonlinear PDEs, control theory |
Marten Wegkamp | Mathematical statistics, empirical process theory, high dimensional statistics and statistical learning theory |
Yunan Yang | Numerical analysis, inverse problems, optimal transportation, machine learning, and nonconvex optimization |
Emeritus and Other Faculty
Louis Billera | Geometric and algebraic combinatorics |
Leonard Gross | Functional analysis, constructive quantum field theory |
John M. Guckenheimer | Dynamical systems |
Sungwoo Jeong | Numerical linear algebra, random matrix theory |
Ajeet Kumar | Continuum mechanics, multiscale mechanics, computational mechanics, numerical methods |
Richard H. Rand | Nonlinear dynamics |
Alfred H. Schatz | Numerical solutions of partial differential equations |
John Smillie | Dynamical systems |
Activities and Resources:
- CAM Colloquium
- Scientific Computing and Numerics (SCAN) Seminar
- Center for Applied Mathematics
- Graduate field of applied mathematics
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