Mary Ann Huntley

Senior Lecturer

Research Focus

Mathematics Education

My research involves examining the middle- and high-school mathematics curriculum from various perspectives, including the intended, enacted, and achieved curriculum, with a particular focus on the algebra strand of the curriculum.  I am currently investigating the content of the algebra strand of six commercially-available high-school textbook series.  This research was originally supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation (Award #090131).  Together with Denisse Thompson (University of South Florida, emeritus) and Christine Suurtamm (University of Ottawa), I am co-editing the Information Age Publishing book series, Research in Mathematics Education




  • Mayer, J., Huntley, M. A., Fonger, N. L., & Terrell, M. S. (2018).  Professional learning through teacher-researcher collaborations.  Manuscript submitted for publication.
  • Thompson, D. R., Huntley, M. A., & Suurtamm, C. (Eds.).  (2018).  International perspectives on mathematics curriculum.  Charlotte, NC:  Information Age Publishing.
  • Suurtamm, C., Huntley, M. A., & Thompson, D. R. (2018).  What might be learned from examining curricular perspectives across countries?  In D. R. Thompson, M. A. Huntley, & C. Suurtamm (Eds.), International perspectives on mathematics curriculum (pp. 1-8).  Charlotte, NC:  Information Age Publishing.
  • Huntley, M. A., Suurtamm, C., & Thompson, D. R. (2018).  Transcending boundaries:  What have we learned?  In D. R. Thompson, M. A. Huntley, & C. Suurtamm (Eds.), International perspectives on mathematics curriculum (pp. 227-237).  Charlotte, NC:  Information Age Publishing.
  • Huntley, M. A., & Terrell, M. (2014).  One-step and multi-step linear equations:  A content analysis of five textbook series.  ZDM – The International Journal on Mathematics Education, 46, 751-766.
  • Huntley, M. A., & Heck, D. J. (2014).  Examining variations in enactment of a grade 7 mathematics lesson by a single teacher:  Implications for future research on mathematics curriculum enactment.  In D. R. Thompson & Z. Usiskin (Eds.), Enacted mathematics curriculum:  A conceptual framework and research needs (pp. 21-45).  Charlotte, NC:  Information Age Publishing.
  • Thompson, D. R., & Huntley, M. A. (2014).  Researching the enacted mathematics curriculum:  Learning from various perspectives on enactment [Editorial].  ZDM – The International Journal on Mathematics Education, 46, 701-704.
  • Huntley, M. A. (2012).  Developing tools to examine variations in mathematics textbook implementation.  In D. J. Heck, K. B. Chval, I. R. Weiss, & S. W. Ziebarth (Eds.), Approaches to studying the enacted mathematics curriculum (pp. 47-66).  Charlotte, NC:  Information Age Publishing.
  • Huntley, M. A., & Flores, A. (2011).  Student-made games to learn the history of mathematics.  PRIMUS, 21, 567-576.
  • Huntley, M. A., & Flores, A. (2010).  A history of mathematics course to develop prospective secondary mathematics teachers’ knowledge for teaching.  PRIMUS, 20, 603-616.
  • Huntley, M. A., & Chval, K. B. (2010).  Teachers’ perspectives on fidelity of implementation to textbooks.  In R. Reys & B. Reys (Eds.), The K–12 mathematics curriculum:  Issues, trends, and future directions (2010 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Yearbook) (pp. 289-303).  Reston, VA:  National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
  • Huntley, M. A. (2009).  Brief report:  Measuring curriculum implementation.  Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 40, 355-362.

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