
Mathematical analysis covers a wide range of different subjects. Areas currently active at Cornell include: dynamics, harmonic analysis, potential analysis, partial differential equations, geometric analysis, applied analysis, and numerical methods. In addition, we value the many interactions with other areas such as differential geometry, geometry, Lie theory, combinatorics, and probability.

Notable contributions of Cornell faculty to analysis include: Larry Payne’s work on ill-posed problems, Len Gross’s logarithmic Sobolev inequality, Strichartz’s estimates, James Eell’s work on harmonic maps (joint with J. Sampson), and Richard Hamilton’s seminal contribution to the Ricci flow.

Faculty Members

Xiaodong CaoDifferential geometry and geometric analysis
Timothy J. HealeyApplied analysis and partial differential equations, mathematical continuum mechanics
John H. HubbardAnalysis, differential equations, differential geometry
Yusheng LuoDynamical systems, complex dynamics, Teichmüller theory
Camil MuscaluHarmonic analysis and partial differential equations
Laurent Saloff-CosteAnalysis, potential theory, probability and stochastic processes
Daniel SternDifferential geometry, PDEs, calculus of variations
Steven StrogatzDynamical systems applied to physics, biology, and social science.
Nicolas TemplierNumber theory, automorphic forms, and mathematical physics
Alex TownsendNumerical analysis, scientific computing, and numerical algebraic geometry
Alexander VladimirskyNumerical methods, dynamical systems, nonlinear PDEs, control theory
Xin ZhouGeometric Analysis and Calculus of Variations

Emeritus and Other Faculty

Leonard GrossFunctional analysis, constructive quantum field theory
John M. GuckenheimerDynamical systems
Richard H. RandNonlinear dynamics
Alfred H. SchatzNumerical solutions of partial differential equations
Kihoon SeongAnalysis, probability, PDEs
Mikołaj SierżęgaAnalysis
John SmillieDynamical systems
Zhihan WangDifferential geometry, geometric analysis
Hosea WondoGeometric analysis

Activities and Resources:

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All research areas

Algebra    Analysis    Applied Mathematics    Combinatorics and Discrete Geometry    Geometry    Logic    Probability and Statistics    Topology   