Hosea Wondo

Visiting Assistant Professor

Research Focus

Research Area: Geometric analysis

My research area is in geometric analysis, particularly in the setting of complex differential geometry.  My work involves studying the behaviour of geometric flows such as the Kahler-Ricci flow, its discrete variant, the Continuity method and the Chern-Ricci flow. The overarching goal is to use said flows to reveal the manifold’s underlying complex and geometric structure. 


  • H. Wondo and Z. Zhang, “Independence of singularity type for numerically effective Kähler-Ricci flows.” To appear in Geometry and Topology. 
  • H. Wondo, “Calabi symmetry and the continuity method.” International Journal of Mathematics. Vol. 34, No. 12, (2023).
  • H. Wondo, “Curvature estimates for the continuity method.” Communications in Contemporary Mathematics. Vol. 25, No. 09, (2023).

MATH Courses - Spring 2025
