The Department has offered a summer research program for undergraduates for many years. Prior to 2015 the REU Program (Research Experiences for Undergraduates) funded by the NSF (National Science Foundation) was offered. From 2015 - 2017 after the grant temporarily expired, the program transitioned to a non-funded program named SPUR (Summer Program for Undergraduate Research), which offers the same opportunity to undergraduate students, but the only difference in the two programs is funding. Beginning in 2018 the REU Program returned, and the department has continued both programs. These are 8-week programs that provide an opportunity for undergraduate students of mathematics to participate in leading-edge research. Projects are offered every summer, each led by an expert in the field.
Previous Years' Projects and some Results
2023 - REU and SPUR
2023 REU and SPUR Project Descriptions
2023 project summaries are forthcoming.
2022 - REU and SPUR
2022 REU and SPUR Project Descriptions and Summaries
2021 - REU and SPUR
Summer 2021 REU-SPUR Programs.pdf
2020 - REU and SPUR
Mechanics and Manipulation of Active Structures, directed by Andy Borum - SPUR
Analysis and Implementation of Spectral Methods, directed by Alex Townsend - REU
2019 - REU and SPUR
Analysis on Fractals, directed by Robert Strichartz - SPUR
Computations in Derived Algebraic Geometry and Equivariant Cohomology, directed by Harrison Chen - SPUR
Mechanics, Control, Robotics, and Dynamics, directed by Andy Borum - REU
2018 - REU and SPUR
Analysis on Fractals, directed by Robert Strichartz - SPUR
Topological Methods in Discrete Geometry, directed by Florian Frick - SPUR
Generating Sets of Finite Groups, directed by Keith Dennis - SPUR
Optimality and Uncertainty, directed by Alex Vladimirsky - REU
2017 - SPUR
Analysis on Fractals, directed by Robert Strichartz
Topological Methods in Discrete Geometry, directed by Florian Frick
Generating Sets of Finite Groups, directed by Keith Dennis
2016 - SPUR
Analysis on Fractals, directed by Robert Strichartz
Topological Methods in Discrete Geometry, directed by Florian Frick
On Reay's relaxed Tverberg conjecture and generalizations of Conway's thrackle conjecture
Nonlinear Heat Equations, directed by Xiaodong Cao
2015 - SPUR
Analysis on Fractals, directed by Robert Strichartz
Harmonic Analysis on Stiefel Manifolds, directed by Raul Gomez
Graphs, Chip-Firing Games, and Algebraic Geometry, directed by Farbod Shokrieh
Analysis on Fractals, directed by Robert Strichartz
Surfaces with Fractal Curvature
Nonlinear Heat Equations, directed by Xiaodong Cao
Graphs, Chip-Firing Games, and Algebraic Geometry, directed by Farbod Shokrieh
Analysis on Fractals, directed by Robert Strichartz
Generating Sets for Finite Groups, directed by Keith Dennis
High Dimensional Data Analysis, directed by Matthew Hirn
Analysis on Fractals, directed by Robert Strichartz
Packings and Tilings, directed by Robert Connelly
The Heat Equation, directed by Xiaodong Cao
Analysis on Fractals, directed by Robert Strichartz
Generating Sets for Finite Groups, directed by Keith Dennis
Combinatorics of Triangulations, directed by Ed Swartz
Analysis on Fractals, directed by Robert Strichartz
Geometric Differential Equations, directed by Xiaodong Cao
Optimality and Uncertainty, directed by Alexander Vladimirsky
Analysis on Fractals (Robert Strichartz)
Solving Games on Graphs, Fast (Sasha Rubin)
Groups via Actions (Collin Bleak)
Analysis on Fractals (Robert Strichartz)
Games, Linear Orders, and Logic (Francois Dorais)
Topological Dynamics, Group Actions, and Cantor Set n-Cubes (Collin Bleak)
Older Work
Conformal Energy, Conformal Laplacian, and Energy Measures on the Sierpinski Gasket
Geometry of Numbers Work 2001
Karl Papadantonakis Henon Mapping Work (and some other)
Finite Elements on the Sierpinski Gasket
Differential Equations on the Sierpinski Gasket
Harmonic Mappings of the Sierpinski Gasket
Sampling Theory for Functions with Fractal Spectrum
Sampling on the Sierpinski Gasket
Fourier Series on the Sierpinski Gasket
P-Energy on the Sierpinski Gasket (2001)
P-Energy on Sierpinski Gaskets (2002)
Pentagasket Research (Alex Smith)
Polynomials and Power Series on Sierpinski Gaskets
Levy's Dragon
FEM on Sierpinski Gaskets
Periodic Solutions to Forced Van der Pol
Forced VdP, Bifurcation Diagram, Canards
FVDP Summaries and Auto Work
Surfaces Related to Henon Maps and the Program Cubism
Work from 1998