The Charter creating Cornell University was signed by the Governor of New York in 1865 and the University opened in 1868.
This page gives the complete chronological list, per decade (except for the first period of twelve years), of the people who earned a doctorate in mathematics at Cornell from the opening in 1868 to 2009 included. One hundred doctorates were awarded by the department during this period including twenty one awarded to women. The title of the doctorate and the name of the advisor are given as well as minimal information on the later career of the individual.
For a list of people who have earned doctorates in 2010 and later, visit this page.
Cornell Mathematics Doctorates, 1868-1939
1868-1879 (1 doctorate)
Henry Turner Eddy, 1872
In 1872, Eddy received the first Ph.D. awarded at Cornell in any subject. He was an Assistant Professor in Mathematics at Cornell. There is no record of his dissertation. He had a brilliant scientific and academic career.
1880-1889 (3 doctorates)
Hiram John Messenger, 1886
Title: Modern Methods in Geometric Conics. Advisor: James Oliver. Career: Actuary, Cornell Trustee.
Rollin Arthur Harris, 1888
Title: The Theory of Images in the Representation of Functions. Advisor, probably James McMahon. Career: Tidal Division of the US Coast and Geodesic Survey.
Cadwallader Edwards Linthicum, 1888
Title: On the rectification of certain curves and on certain series involved. Advisor: James Oliver. Career: Teaching, Real Estate, New York.
1890-1899 (4 doctorates)
Ida Metcalf, 1893
Title: Geometric Duality in Space. Advisor: James Oliver. Career: Office of the Controller of New York City. Second American women to obtain a Ph.D. in mathematics (and the first at Cornell).
Annie Louise McKinnon, 1894
Title: Concomitant Binary Forms in Terms of the Roots. Advisor: James Oliver. Career: Professor at Wells College.
Agnes Sime Baxter, 1895
Title: On Abelian integrals, a resume of Neumann’s ‘Abelsche Integrele’ with comments and applications. Advisor: James Oliver. Baxter is the second Canadian Women to receive a mathematics Ph.D.
Charles Worthington Comstock, 1898
Title: The Application of Quaternions to the Analysis of Internal Stress. Advisor: Unknown. Comstock received a M.C.E. degree in 1894. He was an Instructor in Civil Engineering until 1897 when he left Cornell for a position at the Colorado State School of Mines. He earned his Ph.D. in 1898 in absentia. His dissertation is very mathematical and refers to ideas suggested by H.T. Eddy.
1900-1909 (14 doctorates)
William Benjamin Fite, 1901
Title: On Metabelian Groups. Advisor: George A. Miller. Career: Cornell, Columbia University.
Harry Waldo Kuhn, 1901
Title: On Imprimitive Substitution Groups. Advisor: George A. Miller. Career: Ohio State University.
Peter Field, 1902
Title: On the Forms of Unicursal Quintic Curves. Advisor: Virgil Snyder. Career: University of Michigan.
Henry Lewis (Louis) Rietz, 1902
Title: On Primitive Groups of Odd Orders. Advisor: George A. Miller. Career: University of Iowa. Speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians, Toronto 1924.
Clarence Lemuel Elisha Moore , 1904
Title: Classification of the Surfaces of Singularities of the Quadratic Spherical Complex. Advisor: Virgil Snyder. Career: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
John Wesley Young , 1904
Title: On the Group of the Sign (0, 3, 2, 4, ∞) and the Functions Belonging to It. Advisor: John Irwin Hutchinson. Career: Dartmouth College.
Oscar Perry Akers, 1906
Title: On the Congruence of Axes in a Bundle of Linear Line Complexes. Advisor:Virgil Snyder. Career: Allegheny College.
Elmer Clifford Colpitts, 1906
Title: On Twisted Quintic Curves. Advisor: Virgil Snyder. Career: Washington State University.
Richard Morris, 1906
Title: On the Automorpic Functions of the Group (0,3,l_1,l_2,l_3) . Advisor: John Irwin Hutchinson. Career: Rutgers University.
Charles Herschel Sisam, 1906
Title: On the Classification of Scrolls of Order Seven Having a Rectilinear Directrix. Advisor:Virgil Snyder. Career: Colorado College.
Speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians, Toronto 1924 and Bologna, 1928.
Francis Robert Sharpe , 1907
Title: The General Circulation of The Atmosphere. Advisor: James McMahon. Career: Cornell University (served as Chair 1923-26).
Clyde Firman Craig, 1908
Title: On a Class of Hyperfuchsian Functions. Advisor: John Irwin Hutchinson. Career: Cornell.
Anna Lavinia Van Benschoten, 1908
Title: The Birational Transformations of Algebraic Curves of Genus Four. Advisor: Virgil Snyder. Career: Wells College.
Joseph Vance McKelvey, 1909
Title: The Groups of Birational Transformations of Algebraic Curves of Genus 5. Advisor: Virgil Snyder. Career: Cornell, Iowa State University. Served in Word War I.
1910-1919 (16 doctorates)
Harold Bartlett Curtis, 1910
Title: Hyperabelian Functions Expressible by Theta Series. Advisor: John Irwin Hutchinson. Career: Columbia, Northwestern and Lake Forest College.
Helen Brewster Owens, 1910
Title: Conjugate Line Congruences of the Third Order Defined by a Family of Quadrics. Advisor: Virgil Snyder. Career: Cornell (first women to serve as Instructor in the department), Pennsylvania State University, Associate Editor of the American Mathematical Monthly.
Paul Prentice Boyd, 1911
Title: On the Perspective Jonquieres Involutions Associated with the (2, 1) Ternary Correspondence. Advisor: Virgil Snyder. Career: University of Kentucky (including Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences 1917-1947)
Stanley Eugene Brasefield, 1912
Title: A Study of Certain Force Fields. Advisor: James McMahon. Career: Rutgers University.
Frank Millett Morgan, 1912
Title: Involutorial Transformations. Advisor: Virgil Snyder. Career: Dartmouth, Head master of the Clark School in Hanover, NH.
Robert Wilbur Burgess, 1914
Title: The Uniform Motion of a Sphere Through a Viscous Liquid. Advisor: Francis Robert Sharpe. Career: Purdue University, Cornell and Brown University, Western Electric Company, 1924-1952, Director of U.S. Census Bureau, 1953-1961. Served during World War I.
Joseph Rosenbaum, 1914
Title:Mixed Linear Integral Equations over a Two-Dimensional Region. Advisor: Wallie A. Hurwitz. Career: The Milford Academy.
Anna Helen Tappan, 1914
Title: Plane Sextic Curves Invariant under Birational Transformations. Advisor: Virgil Snyder. Career: The Western College for Women, Oxford, Ohio (served as Head of Mathematics and Dean).
Lewis Clark Cox, 1915
Title: The Finite Groups of Birational Transformations of a Net of Cubics. Advisor: Virgil Snyder. Career: Instructor at Purdue University.
Carl Joseph West, 1915
Title:On Certain Formulas for Representing Statistical Data. Advisor: James McMahon. Career: The Ohio State University, Statistician.
Joseph Vital DePorte, 1916
Title: Irrational Involutions on Algebraic Curves. Advisor: Virgil Snyder. Career: Satistician, National Safety Council.
Chester Claremont Camp, 1917
Title: An Extension of the Sturm-Liouville Expansion. Advisor: Wallie A. Hurwitz. Career: University of Nebraska, Lincoln.
Hans H. Dalaker, 1917
Title: On the Automorphic Functions of the Group (0, 3; 4, 6). Advisor: John Irwin Hutchinson. Career: The University of Minnesota (where he fellowship is named after him).
Temple Rice Hollcroft , 1917
Title: A Classification of General (2,3) Point Correspondences Between Two Planes. Advisor: Virgil Snyder. Career: Wells College, Speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians, Zurich 1932.
Anna Mayme Howe, 1917
Title: The Classification of Plane Involutions of Order 3. Advisor: Virgil Snyder. Career: Newcomb College at Tulane University.
George Merritt Robison, 1919
Title: Divergent Double Sequences and Series. Advisor: Wallie A. Hurwitz. Career: Susquehanna University.
1920-1929 (23 doctorates)
Alan Ditchfield Campbell, 1923
Title:Advanced Analytic Geometry. Advisor: Arthur Ranum. Career: Syracuse University, disappeared without trace while serving as Chair in 1942.
David Sherman Morse, 1923
Title: Relative inclusiveness of certain definitions of summability. Advisor: Wallie A. Hurwitz. Career: Union College, NY.
Jesse Otto Osborn, 1923
Title: A Study of the Rational Involutorial Transformations in Space Which Leave a Web of Sextic Surfaces Invariant. Advisor: Virgil Snyder. Career: author of children mathematical books.
Julia Trueman Colpitts, 1924
Title: Entire Functions Defined by Certain Power Series. Advisor: John Irwin Hutchinson (and C.F. Craig). Career: Iowa State University. Served as president of the Women's Scientific Society.
Julia Dale, 1924
Title: Some Properties of the Exponential Mean. Advisor: Wallie A. Hurwitz. Career: The University of Oklahoma, Delta State College in Cleveland, Duke University where an undergraduate prize is named after her.
William Whitfield Elliott, 1924
Title: Generalized Green's functions for compatible differential systems. Advisor: Wallie A. Hurwitz. Career: Duke University.
Marian Marsh Torrey, 1924
Title: Classifications of Monoidal Involutions Having a Fixed Tangent Cone. Advisor: Virgil Snyder. Career: Goucher College (served as Chair).
Elbert Frank Cox, 1925
Title:Polynomial Solutions of Difference Equations. Advisor: Lloyd Garrison Williams. Career: West Virginia State College, Howard University. First African American to earn a doctorate in mathematics.
Fay Farnum, 1926
Title: On Triadic Cremona Nets of Plane Curves. Advisor: Virgil Snyder.
Career: New York University, Iowa State University and The University of Arizona.
Bradford Fisher Kimball, 1926
Title: Geodesics on aToroid. Advisor: Marston Morse. Career: Statistician.
Donald Everett Richmond , 1926
Title: Geodesics On Surfaces of Genus Zero With Knobs. Advisor: Marston Morse. Career: Williams College.
Percy Austin Fraleigh, 1927
Title: Regular Bilinear Transformations of Sequences. Advisor: Wallie A. Hurwitz. Career: The Flint Professor of Mathematics at the University of Vermont.
Florence Marie Mears, 1927
Title: A Special Function of One Variable. Advisor: Wallie A. Hurwitz. Career: The George Washington University.
Hillel Poritsky, 1927
Title: Topics in Potential Theory. Advisor: Wallie A. Hurwitz. Career: Applied Mathematician, General Electric Co.
Hazel Edith Schoonmaker (later, Wilson), 1927
Title: Non-Monoidal Involutions Having a Congruence of Invariant Conics. Advisor: Virgil Snyder. Career: New Jersey College for Women, Hartwick College and Jackson State University.
Howard Conway Shaub, 1927
Title: Rational Involutorial Transformations in S(4) Which Leave Invariant Four-Fold-Infinity Quadric Varieties. Advisor: Virgil Snyder . Career: Washington and Jefferson College.
Arthur Keller Waltz, 1927
Title: The steady flow of liquid through a circular hole in an infinite plane. Advisor: Francis R. Sharpe. Career: College of Steubenville, Ohio.
Hannibal Albert Davis, 1928
Title: Involutorial Transformations Belonging to a Linear Complex. Advisor: Virgil Snyder. Career: The University of West Virginia.
Howard Adams DoBell, 1928
Title: On the Geometry of the Triangle. Advisor: Walter B. Carver. Career: New York State College for Teachers, Albany, N.Y.
Ralph Lent Jeffery, 1928
Title: The Uniform Approximation of a Sequence of Integrals and the Sequence of Functions Which Define a Definite Integral Containing a Parameter. Advisor: David C. Gillespie. Career: Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario. The building housing Mathematics and Statistics at Queen's University is named after him. Served as President of Royal Society of Canada and of the Canadian Mathematical Society. The Jeffery–Williams Prize is a mathematics award presented annually by the Canadian Mathematical Society.
William Thomas MacCreadie, 1928
Title: On the Stability of the Motion of a Viscous Fluid. Advisor: Francis R. Sharpe. Career: Taught at Bucknell University.
Joseph Crawford Polley, 1929
Title: Rational Surfaces Defined by Linear Systems of Plane Curves C(3N):(A exp n))(B exp (n-1)). Advisor: Francis R. Sharpe. Career: Wabash College.
Franklin Grandey Williams, 1929
Title: Families of Plane Involutions of Genus 2 or 3. Advisor: Francis R. Sharpe. Career: Susquehanna University.
1930-1939 (40 doctorates)
Ralph Palmer Agnew, 1930
Title: The Behavior of Bounds and Oscillations of Sequences of Functions Under Regular Transformations. Advisor: Wallie A. Hurwitz. Career: National Research Fellow, Cornell.
Walter Hetherington Durfee, 1930
Title: Summation Factors Which are Powers of a Complex Variable. Advisor: Wallie A. Hurwitz. Career: Hobart and Smith Colleges (Head of Mathematics, Dean, Acting President, Provost). W.H. Durfee is the son of William Pitt Durfee who received his Mathematics Ph.D. at Johns Hopkins in 1883 under J.J. Sylvester and was Professor of Mathematics at Hobart and Smith. He is the father of William Hetherington Durfee who earned his Mathematics Ph.D. at Cornell in 1943 and the grandfather of Alan Hetherington Durfee who earned is Mathematics Ph.D. at Cornell in 1971.
Leaman Andrew Dye, 1930
Title: Involutorial transformations in S(3) of order n with an n-1 fold line. Advisor: Virgil Snyder. Career: The Citadel.
Harry Isler Lane, 1930
Title: The Separation of the Projective Plane by the Lines Joining Six Points Advisor: Walter B. Carver. Career: Hendrix College.
Ethel Isabel Moody, 1930
Title: A Cremona Group of Order Thirty-two of Cubic Transformations in Three-Dimensional Space. Advisor: Virgil Snyder. Career: Sweet Briar College and Pennsylvania State College.
Helen Calkins, 1931
Title: Some Implicit Functional Theorems. Advisor: Charles Frederick Roos. Career: Pennsylvania College for Women (now Chatham University).
Thomas Watkins Hatcher, 1931
Title: Symmetric Strain in an Infinite Plate with a circular Hole. Advisor: Francis R. Sharpe. Career: Virginia Polytechnic Institute.
Horace Newton Hubbs, 1931
Title: Analytic Study of Rational Quintic Surfaces Having No Multiple Curves. Advisor: Virgil Snyder . Career: Hobart and Smith Colleges (including acting President, 1955).
William Robert Hutcherson, 1931
Title: Maps of Certain Cyclic Involutions on Two Dimensional Carriers. Advisor: Virgil Snyder . Career:
Northwestern State University in Louisiana and the University of Florida.
Louis John Paradiso, 1931
Title: Solutions of Bounded Variation of the Fredholm Stieltjes Integral Equation. Advisor: David C. Gillespie. Career: Managing Director of the Bureau of Economic Analysis.
Charles Chapman Torrance, 1931
Title: On Plane Cremona Triadic Characteristics. Advisor: Virgil Snyder . Career: Naval Postgraduate School. Invited speaker at the 1936 International Congress of Mathematicians in Oslo.
Ralph Alexander Beaver, 1932
Title: Finite Plane Euclidean Geometry. Advisor: Walter B. Carver. Career: New York State College, Albany.
Amos Hale Black, 1932
Title: Types of Involutorial Space Transformations Associated with Certain Rational Curves. Advisor: Virgil Snyder. Career: Southern Illinois University.
Robert Horton Cameron, 1932
Title: Almost Periodic Transformations. Advisor: Wallie A. Hurwirz. Career: National Research Council Fellowship. Massachusetts and University of Minnesota. Chauvenet Prize in 1944.
Evelyn Teresa Carroll (later, Rusk), 1932
Title: Systems of Involutorial Birational Transformations Contained Multiply in Special Linear Line Complexes. Advisor: Virgil Snyder . Career: Dartmouth College and Wells College.
John Montgomery Clarkson, 1932
Title: Some Involutorial Line Transformations Interpreted as Points of V(2) of S(5). Advisor: Virgil Snyder. Career:
North Carolina State University.
Ira Owen Horsfall, 1932
Title: Transformations Associated with the Lines of a Cubic, Quadratic or Linear Complex. Advisor: Virgil Snyder. Career: Snow College. Director of the Extension Division at the University of Utah.
Edwin Joseph Purcell, 1932
Title: Involutorial Space Cremona Transformations Determined by Non-Linear Null Reciprocities. Advisor: Virgil Snyder. Career: University of Arizona.
August Sisk, 1932
Title: The Plane Symmetric Quintic Cremona Involutions. Advisor: Virgil Snyder. Career: ?
Helen Schlauch Adams (later, Infeld), 1933
Title: On the Normal Rational n-ic. Advisor: Virgil Snyder. Career: Hunter College. Moved to Poland in 1950.
Edwin Harold Hadlock, 1933
Title: On the Progressions Associated with a Ternary Quadratic Form. Advisor: Burton W. Jones. Career: University of Florida.
Roberta Frances Johnson, 1933
Title: Involutions of Order 2 Associated with Surfaces of Genera P_A=P_G=0,P_2=P_3=0. Advisor: Virgil Snyder. Career: Colorado State University and The University of Colorado.
Vivian Streeter Lawrence, 1933
Title: Closed Orbits in Central Distance Force Fields. Advisor: David C. Gillespie. Career: Cornell, West Point.
Joseph Lev, 1933
Title: The Effects of Linear Transformations on the Divergence of Bounded Sequences and Functions. Advisor: Wallie A. Hurwitz. Career: Statistician, New York State Department of Civil Service.
Herbert Earl Spencer, 1933
Title: On Convergence and Oscillation of Transforms of Sequences of Vectors. Advisor: Ralph Agnew. Career: Presbyterian College, SC.
John Albert Hyden, 1934
Title: The Weddle and Kimmer Surfaces for Restricted Positions of Six Base Points. Advisor: Virgil Snyder. Career: Vanderbilt University.
Clarence Raymond Wyllie, 1934
Title: Space Curves Belonging to a Linear Line Complex. Advisor: Virgil Snyder. Career: Ohio State University, the Air Force Institute of Technology, the University of Utah, and Furman University.
Gertrude K. Blanch, 1935
Title: Properties of the Veneroni Transformation in S(4). Advisor: Virgil Snyder. Career: Hunter College, Technical Director of the Mathematical Tables Project in New York City. Fellow in the American Association for the Advancement of Science (1962); Federal Woman's Award (1964).
Livingston Hunter Chambers, 1935
Title: On (2,2) Planar Correspondences. Advisor: Virgil Snyder. Career: Naval Academy.
Harriet Frances Montague, 1935
Title: Certain Non-Involutorial Cremona Transformations of Hyperspace. Advisor: Virgil Snyder. Career: University of Buffalo. The Harriet F. Montague Award is given each year to a junior who has demonstrated "intellectual and creative promise in mathematics.”
John Adam Fitz Randolph, 1935
Title: Carathéodory Measure and a Generalization of the Gauss-Green Lemma. Advisor: David C. Gillespie. Career: Cornell and the University of Rochester.
Lawrence Henry Bowen, 1936
Title: Composite Double Curves on Rational Ruled Surfaces. Advisor: Virgil Snyder. Career: Greenville Women College.
Ross Arthur Harrison, 1936
Title: Cremona Webs in S(3) Without Base Curves. Advisor: Virgil Snyder. Career: ?
Jesse Emmert Ikenberry, 1937
Title: An Involutorial Transformation with a Multiple Correspondence on Lines Joining Conjugate Points. Advisor: Virgil Snyder. Career: Franklin and Marshall College.
Lloyd Lincoln Lowenstein, 1937
Title: Linear Equations with an Infinity of Unknowns. Advisor: Ralph Agnew. Career: Arizona State University.
George Henry Barone, 1938
Title: Limit Points of Sequences and their Transforms by Methods of Summability. Advisor: Ralph Agnew. Career: The Citadel.
Charles Erwin Clark, 1938
Title: Simultaneous Invariants of Complex and Subcomplex. Advisor: William Flexner. Career: Emory University.
Reuben Roosevelt McDaniel, 1938
Title: Approximation to Algebraic Numbers by Means of Periodic Sequences of Transformations on Quadratic Forms. Advisor: Burton W. Jones. Career: Virginia State College.
Clair Joseph Blackall, 1939
Title: On Volume Integral Invariants of Non-Holonomic Dynamical Systems. Advisor: Daniel C. Lewis. Career: University of Toledo.
Sara Louise Nelson, 1939
Title: Cremona Transformations Belonging to a Family of Cubic Curves. Advisor: Virgil Snyder. Career: Georgia College. Last student of Virgil Snyder.
Cornell Mathematics Doctorates, 1940-1959

The first Cornell campus elm trees were a gift of the Class of 1872 (they offered 72 elm trees). The John Ostrander's elm trees (pictured here in 1953, between Stimson and Goldwin Smith Halls) where planted in 1877. Ostrander was a local farmer and he was not rich. He offered the best elm trees from his farm.
Before 1940, 101 Ph.D.s were awarded in mathematics at Cornell, including twenty two to women. The first, in 1872, went to Henry Turner Eddy, who was Assistant Professor in Mathematics at the time.
The Cornell mathematics graduate program owes its early success to the leadership of James Oliver, Chair from 1874 to his death in 1895. The most prolific graduate advisor before 1940 was the algebraic geometer Virgil Snyder, who supervised 43 Cornell Ph.D.s.
This section gives the complete chronological list of the people who earned a doctorate in mathematics at Cornell between 1940 and 1959 included. The list is organized by periods of 5 years. Sixty Ph.D.s were awarded during this period at a very steady average of about 3 per year (only 5 went to women).
This was a very successful time for the Cornell Mathematics Graduate Program, which corresponds to the renaissance of the department during and after WWII. Mary Dolciani, Irving Reiner, Murray Rosenblatt, Joanne Elliott, Steven Orey, Daniel Ray, Jean-Pierre Meyer, Louis De Branges and Harry Kesten graduated during this period, and the most active advisors were Mark Kac (16), John Barkley Rosser (8), Ralph Agnew, Burton W. Jones and Harry Pollard (6) and William Feller (5).
1940-1944 (12 doctorates)
Seymour Sherman, 1940
Title: A Comparison of Linear Measures in the Plane. Advisor: John Adam Fitz Randolph. Career: University of Chicago; staff engineer, military operations research division of the Lockheed Aircraft Corporation; Indiana University where he Seymour Sherman Memorial Lecture Series are held.
George Brinton Thomas, 1940
Title: Regular Ternary Quadratic Forms. Advisor: Burton W. Jones. Career: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Author of "Thomas Caculus" first published by Addison-Wesley in 1951 as "Calculus and Analytic Geometry". The book is still in use at many Institutions and High Schools, including at Cornell.
Walter Joel Harrington, 1941
Title: A Study of Certain Functions Auxiliary to Brun's Method in Number Theory. Advisor: John Barkley Rosser. Career: Allegheny Ballistics Lab in Cumberland, Md.; Cornell, Pennsylvania State University and at North Carolina State University.
Donald Smith Miller, 1941
Title: Some Properties of Caratheodory and Gillespie Linear Measure. Advisor: John A. F. Randolph. Career: Co-authored papers with Dunford and Besicovitch and taught at Cornell until 1946.
William Dean Wray, 1941
Title: Some Applications of Uniformity Trials. Advisor: John H. Curtiss. Career: Williams College; On June 8, 1942, Wray was sworn in as a civilian junior cryptanalyst with the Navy. He became a cryptologist. After the war, he worked for the newly created Armed Forces Security Agency which later became the National Security Agency. His services were recognized posthumously by The Exceptional Civilian Service Award. A road at Fort Meade is named after him.
Robert Ruel Raphael Luckey, 1942
Title: Certain Applications of Fourier Integrals. Advisor: Mark Kac. Career: Houghton College.
Gordon Loftis Walker, 1942
Title: Direct Product and Lorentz Matrices. Advisor: James Wallace Givens. Career: Temple University; Purdue University; The American Optical Company; Executive Director of the American Mathematical Society.
Bernard Hinkle Bissinger, 1943
Title: Generalizations of Continued Fractions. Advisor: Ralph Agnew. Career: Lebanon Valley College.
William Hetherington Durfee, 1943
Title: Congruence of Quadratic Forms over Valuation Rings Advisor: Burton W. Jones. Career: at Mount Holyoke College. Son of Walter H. Durfee (Ph.D. 1930) and father of A. H. Durfee (Ph.D. 1971). Grandson of William Pitt Durfee, Johns Hopkins Mathematics Ph.D. 1883.
Theodore Hailperin, 1943
Title: A Set of Axioms for Logic. Advisor: John Barkley Rosser. Career: Lehigh University.
Charles Jr. Hatfield, 1944
Title: On the Average Number of Roots of Certain Random Functions. Advisor: Mark Kac. Career: University of Missouri at Rolla.
Alfred Milton Peiser, 1944
Title: Some Applications of Fourier Analysis and Calculus of Probability to the Study of Real Roots of Algebraic Equations. Advisor: Mark Kac. Career: Hydrocarbon Research, Inc.
1945-1949 (18 doctorates)
Jerome Colbert Smith, 1945
Title: Asymptotic Distributions of Sums of Rademacher Functions and of Cosines with Big Gaps. Advisor: Mark Kac. Career: Lafayette College.
Edward Joseph Scott, 1946
Title: Summability of the Geometric Series. Advisor: Ralph Agnew. Career: The University of Illinois, Urbana–Champaign.
Mary Patricia Dolciani, 1947
Title: On the Representation of Integers by Quadratic Form. Advisor: Burton W. Jones. Career: Vassar College; Hunter College, City University of New York, Dean for Academic Development at The City University of New York. he Mathematical Association of America building in Washington D.C. is named The Dolciani Mathematical Center in her honor.
Clifford Dixon Firestone, 1947
Title: Sufficient Conditions for the Modelling of Axiomatic Set Theory. Advisor: John Barkley Rosser. Career: Rutgers University; Applied Physics Laboratory, MD.
William Judson LeVeque, 1947
Title: On the Distribution of Values of Number-Theoretic Functions. Advisor: Burton W. Jones and Mark Kac. Career: University of Michigan; Executive director of the American Mathematical Society.
Abraham Morton Mark, 1947
Title: Limit Theorems in the Theory of Probability. Advisor: Mark Kac. Career: Southern Illinois University.
Irving Reiner, 1947
Title: A Generalization of Meyer’s Theorem. Advisor: Burton W. Jones Career: University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (married Irma Moses).
Norman Gustav Gunderson, 1948
Title: Derivation of Criteria for the First Case of Fermat's Last Theorem and the Combination of These Criteria to Produce a New Lower Bound for the Exponent. Advisor: John Barkley Rosser. Career: Rochester University.
Mario Leon Juncosa, 1948
Title: On the Asymptotic Behavior of the Minimum in a Sequence of Random Variables. Advisor: William Feller. Career: National Defense Research Institute.
Mary Ann Lee, 1948
Title: Summability of Diagonal Series Formed from the Terms of Double Series. Advisor: Ralph Agnew. Career: Sweet Briar College.
Irma Ruth Moses, 1948
Title: On the Representation, in the Ring of P-Adic Integers, of a Quadratic Form in N Variables By One in M Variables. Advisor: Burton W. Jones. Career: Temple University; University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (married Irving Reiner).
Wallace Edward Barnes, 1949
Title: Abel Transforms and Partial Sums of Tauberian Series. Advisor: Ralph Agnew. Career: Director, Westinghouse Learning Corporation.
Tseng Tung Cheng, 1949
Title: On the Sum of Independent Random Variables. Advisor: William Feller. Career: Xiamen University (previously, National Amoy University).
George Laush, 1949
Title: Relations Among the Weierstrass Methods of Summability. Advisor: Ralph Agnew. Career: University of Pittsburgh.
Murray Rosenblatt, 1949
Title: On Distributions of Certain Weiner Functionals. Advisor: Mark Kac. Career: Brown University, Indiana University and the University of California San Diego; Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, American Association for the Advancement of Science and the American Mathematical Society. Member of the National Academy of Science.
Murray Rose Spiegel, 1949
Title: On the Random Vibrations of Harmonically Bound Particles in a Viscous Medium. Advisor: Mark Kac. Career: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
Maria Alice Weber, 1949
Title: The Solution of a Linear Differential Equation of Parabolic Type. Advisor: William Feller. Career: Goucher College, California State University Northridge. Married Robert Steinberg.
George Milton Wing, 1949
Title: The Mean Convergence of Orthogonal Series. Advisor: Harry Pollard. Career: Los Alamos National Laboratory; University of California Los Angeles, University of California Berkeley, the University of New Mexico, and Southern Methodist University. His Alma Mater, University of Rochester, organizes the G. Milton Wing Lecture Series.
1950-1954 (15 doctorates)
Joanne Elliott, 1950
Title: On Some Singular Integral Equations of the Cauchy Type. Advisor: Harry Pollard. Career: Rutgers University.
Ernest Elyash, 1950
Title: Several Limiting Laws of the Komogorov-Smirnov Type. Advisor: Mark Kac. Career: University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
Samuel Goldberg, 1950
Title: On a Singular Diffusion Equation. Advisor: William Feller. Career: Oberlin College; Program Officer for the Sloan Foundation.
Walter Lynn Murdock, 1950
Title: On the Distribution of Eigenvalues of Kernels and Matrices. Advisor: Mark Kac. Career: unknown.
George Siefert, 1950
Title: Some Third Order Boundary Value Problems. Advisor: William Feller. Career: Iowa State University.
Jerome Blackman, 1951
Title: Studies in the Heat Equation. Advisor: Harry Pollard. Career: University of Syracuse.
Gerson Bernhard Robison, 1951
Title: Invariant Integrals over a Banach Space. Advisor: Bertram Yood. Career: SUNY New Paltz.
Robert Lewis Beinert, 1951
Title: Abstract Parametrization of an Elliptic Curve. Advisor: Robert Walker. Career: Hobart and William Smith Colleges.
Jack Cree Rogers, 1952
Title: Cross Sections in Fibre Bundles. Advisor: Paul Olum. Career: unknown.
John Wells Brace, 1953
Title: Transformations on Banach Spaces. Advisor: Bertram Yood. Career: University of Maryland.
Tseng-Yeh Chow, 1953
Title: A Study of Extremal Value Problems of Functions Regular in Annulus. Advisor: Wolfgang Fuchs. Career: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
Steven Orey, 1953
Title: Formal Development of Ordinal Number Theory and Applications to Consistency Proofs. Advisor: John Barkley Rosser. Career: University of Minnesota.
Daniel Burrill Ray, 1953
Title: On Spectra of Second Order Differential Operators. Advisor: Mark Kac. Career: Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Jean-Pierre Meyer, 1954
Title: Classification of Mappings of a Three-Dimensional Complex into a Two-Dimensional Projective Space. Advisor: Paul Olum. Career: Johns Hopkins University.
Charles Standish, 1954
Title: A Class of Measure Preserving Transformations. Advisor: Mark Kac. Career: Union College; Senior Scientist at IBM.
1955-1959 (15 doctorates)
George Edwin Collins, 1955
Title: The Modeling of Zermelo Set Theories in New Foundations. Advisor: John Barkley Rosser. Career: The University of Wisconsin.
Lonnie Cross, 1955
Title: On the Distribution of Eigenvalues of the Equation: Integral of A(S-T) PHI (T) with Respect to T Between Lower Limit -A and Upper Limit A=Rho (Integral of B(S-T)). Advisor: Mark Kac. Career: Cross is known as Abdulalim A. Shabazz. Clark Atlanta University; Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring.
Elliott Mendelson, 1955
Title: The Independence of the Axiom of Choice. Advisor: John Barkley Rosser. Career: Queens College of the City University of New York.
Morris Tenenbaum, 1955
Title: Transforms of Tauberian Series by Riesz Methods of Different Orders. Advisor: Ralph Agnew. Career: Co-author with Harry Pollard of "Ordinary Differential Equations", now a Dover Books on Mathematics.
Robert McCallum Blumenthal, 1956
Title: An Extended Markov Property. Advisor: Gilbert Hunt. Career: University of Washington.
Angelo Margaris, 1956
Title: A Problem of Rosser and Trucquette in Many Valued Logic. Advisor: Lisl Gaal. Career: The Ohio State University and Rhodes College in Memphis.
Jerome Sacks, 1956
Title: Asymptotic Distributions of Stochastic Approximation Procedures. Advisor: Jack Kiefer. Career: Northwestern University; Rutgers University; University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign; Director of the National Institute of Statistical Sciences.
Louis de Branges, 1957
Title: Local Operators on Fourier Transforms. Advisor: Harry Pollard. Career: Purdue University. Famous for his 1984 proof of the long-standing Bieberbach conjecture, now called de Branges' theorem; Plenary speakers at the 1986 International Congress of Mathematicians in Berkeley;1989 Ostrowski Prize; 1994 Leroy P. Steele Prize for seminal contribution to research.
Norman Bernard Stein, 1957
Title: The Third Obstruction in Complex Projective Spaces. Advisor: Paul Olum. Career: University of Rochester.
Harry Kesten, 1958
Title: Symmetric Random Walks on Groups. Advisor: Mark Kac. Career: Cornell University. Speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Nice (1970) and Warsaw (1983) and a plenary speaker in Beijing in 2002; Brouwer Medal; the Leroy Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement; George Pólya Prize. Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences; member of the National Academy of Sciences; correspondent member of the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences.
Stanislaw Leja, 1958
Title: Inversion of a Function with the Kernel [[(1+|x-y|)^2][c^2+|x-y|^2 ]]^( -1). Advisor: Harry Pollard. Career: Western Michigan University.
Edward Norman, 1958
Title: Topics in Discrete Convolution Transforms. Advisor: Harry Pollard. Career: Drexel Institute of Technology.
Anatole Joffe, 1959
Title: Sojourn Time for Stable Processes. Advisor: Mark Kac. Career: University de Montréal.
David Brophel Lissner, 1959
Title: Matrices over Polynomial Rings. Advisor: Israel N. Herstein. Career: Syracuse University.
Joseph Dela Rutledge, 1959
Title: A Preliminary Investigation of the Infinitely-Many-Valued Predicate Calculus. Advisor: John Barkley Rosser. Career: Research scientist at IBM; Involved in the development of the “pointing stick”, a distinctive feature of the ThinkPad.
Cornell Mathematics Doctorates, 1960-1969
The sixties were a period of extraordinary growth at Cornell and in US higher education in general. It was also the period of the Vietnam War protests on Campuses and of the racial tensions that led to the occupation of Willard Straight in 1969.
Before 1960, 161 Ph.D.s were awarded in mathematics at Cornell. Between 1940 and 1959, the average number of doctorates was a very steady 3 per year.
Seventy-three Mathematics Ph.D.s were awarded at Cornell in the sixties, twenty-one during the first half of the decade and fifty-two during the second half. Eight Ph.D.s were earned by women. The year 1965 was the first in which more than 10 doctorates were awarded. Twenty two faculty supervised at least one Ph.D. during this period. The most active were Anil Nerode (11), Peter Hilton and Alex F.T.W. Rosenberg (6), Jack Kiefer (5) Israel Berstein, Wolfgang Fuchs and Gerald Sacks (4). Remarkably, Sacks is also one of the students who received their Ph.D. during this period.
1960 (3 doctorates)
Martin Arkowitz
Title: The Generalized Whitehead Product. Advisor: Peter Hilton and Paul Olum. Career: Dartmouth College.
Alan Gustave Konheim
Title: Some Properties of a Class of Finite Trigonometric Sums. Advisor: Mark Kac. Career: IBM; Computer Sciences at University of California Santa Barbara.
Samuel Kotz
Title: Exponential Bounds for the Probability of Error in Discrete Memoryless Channels. Advisor: Jacob Wolfowitz. Career: University of Toronto; Temple University; University of Maryland; Operations Research Department at George Washington University. Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and of the Royal Statistical Society.
1961 (3 doctorates)
Roger David Joseph
Title: Contribution to Perceptron Theory. Advisor: Mark Kac. Career: unknown.
Shing-Meng Lee
Title: On a Two-Parameter Family of Summation Methods. Advisor: Ralph Agnew. Career: Taiwan, National Tsing Hua University.
Gerald Enoch Sacks
Title: On Suborderings of Degrees of Recursive Insolvability. Advisor: John Barkley Rosser. Career: Cornell, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Harvard University. Supervised over 30 Ph.D.s and has over 500 mathematical descendants. Speaker at the 1970 International Congress in Nice. The Sacks Prize is awarded annually by the Association for Symbolic Logic for the most outstanding doctoral dissertation in mathematical logic.
No doctorate awarded in 1962.
1963 (6 doctorates)
Charles Arnold Berger
Title: Normal Dilations. Advisor: Morris Schreiber. Career: Lehman College, City University of New York.
Gordon Elliott Brown
Title: On Commutators in Certain Lie Algebras. Advisor: Israel N. Herstein. Career: University of Colorado, Boulder.
Frans Martin Djorup
Title: On the Operator Equation AX=XB. Advisor: Morris Schreiber. Career: University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign; Institute of Defense Analyses.
David Stanley Newman
Title: On the Exact Calculation of the Partition Function of one dimensional Systems. Advisor: Mark Kac. Career: Boeing Company, Aerospace Group.
David Freeman
Title: Tabulation of Transcendental Functions by the Continued Fraction of Gauss. Advisor: John Barkley Rosser. Career: Computer Industry.
Gerald Joseph Porter
Title: Higher Order Whitehead Products. Advisor: William Browder Career: University of Pennsylvania.
1964 (9 doctorates)
Bruce Alan Barnes
Title: Modular Annihilator Algebras. Advisor: Robert A. Bonic. Career: University of Oregon.
Lawrence David Brown
Title: On the Admissibility of Invariant Estimators of Location Parameters.
Advisor: Jack Kiefer. Career: University of California Berkeley; Cornell; Rutgers University; Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania; President of the Institute for Mathematical Statistics; Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences; member of the National Academy of Sciences. Speaker at the 2002 International Congress of Mathematicians in Beijing.
Ross Hunter Cornell
Title: Commutator Product in Function Spaces. Advisor: Israel Berstein. Career: Wellesley College.
Paul Stephen Green
Title: KSC*(X), An Extraordinary Cohomology Theory. Advisor: Israel Berstein and William Browder. Career: University of Maryland.
Chia-Hui Shih
Title: On Secondary Operations in Homotopy and Homology. Advisor: Peter Hilton. Career: National Taiwan University.
Jerrold Norman Siegel
Title: Generalized Homology with Continuous Coefficients. Advisor: Israel Berstein. Career: University of Missouri, St. Louis.
Walter William Whitman
Title: Some Strong Laws for Random Walks and Brownian Motion. Advisor: Frank Spitzer. Career: unknown.
Carol Euwema Wolf
Title: Partial Recursive Operators on Recursively Closed Sets. Advisor: Anil Nerode. Career: Computer Science at Pace University.
Yuen-Fat Wong
Title: Pi-Manifolds and Homotopy Type of Manifolds. Advisor: William Browder. Career: DePaul University.
1965 (12 doctorates)
Clark Tabor Benson
Title: Generalized Quadrangles and (B,N) Pairs. Advisor: Walter Feit. Career: University of Arizona, National Security Agency.
Graham Cameron Driscoll
Title: Contributions to Metarecursion Theory. Advisor: Gerald Sacks. Career: IBM.
Louise Schmir Hay
Title: Topics in Recursion Theory: 1. The Co-simple Isols 2. Creative Sets. Advisor: Anil Nerode. Career: Mount Holyoke; University of Illinois at Chicago. Founding member of the Association for Women in Mathematics. The AWM has established the Louise Hay Award for Contributions to Mathematics Education.
Marcel Herzog
Title: On Finite Groups with a Subgroup Containing the Normalizer of Each of Its Nonunit Elements. Advisor: Walter Feit. Career: Tel Aviv University.
Sol Kaufman
Title: Asymptotic Efficiency of the Maximum Likelihood Estimator. Advisor: Jacob Wolfowitz. Career: Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory.
Alfred Berry Manaster
Title: Higher Order Indecomposable Isols. Advisor: Anil Nerode. Career: University of California, San Diego.
Alan McConnell
Title: On Amitsur Cohomology. Advisor: Alex F.T.W. Rosenberg. Career: Howard University.
John Crawford Mineka
Title: The Existence and Uniqueness of Positive Solutions to the Wiener-Hopf Equation with Positive Kernel. Advisor: Frank Spitzer. Career: Lehman College of the the City University of New York.
Irwin Samuel Pressman
Title: A Comparison of Two Functors in Homological Algebra. Advisor: Peter Hilton. Career: Carleton University.
David Edward Schroer
Title: Church-Rosser Theorem. Advisor: Anil Nerode and John Barkley Rosser. Career: Adelphi University.
Alan Schumitzky
Title: Wiman-Valiron Theory for Entire Functions of Several Variables. Advisor: Wolfgang Fuchs. Career: University of Southern California.
Kenneth Gordon Whyburn
Title: Operational Calculus and Related Topics. Advisor: Gilbert Hunt. Career: University of Washington; Lawyer specializing in Tax law in San Francisco.
1966 (12 doctorates)
Lindsay Nathan Childs
Title: A Galois Theory for Separable Algebras. Advisor: Alex F.T.W. Rosenberg. Career: State University of New York at Albany.
David Drasin
Title: An Integral Tauberian Theorem and Other Topics. Advisor: Wolfgang Fuchs. Career: Purdue University.
Serge Dubuc
Title: Topological Convex Spaces. Advisor: James Eells. Career: Université de Montréal.
Michael Fisher
Title: Singular Integrals on Hilbert Space. Advisor: Leonard Gross. Career: University of Montana.
Gary Allen Lorden
Title: Integrated Risk of Asymptotically Bayes Sequential Tests and Some Essentially Complete Class Results. Advisor: Jack Kiefer. Career: California Institute of technology.
James Claggett Owings
Title: Topics in Metarecursion Theory. Advisor: Gerald Sacks. Career: University of Maryland.
Robert William Robinson
Title: The Inclusion Lattice and Degrees of Unsolvability of the Recursively Enumerable Sets. Advisor: Gerald Sacks. Career: Computer Science, University of Georgia.
Joseph Geoffrey Rosenstein
Title: Recursive Functions of Arguments of Finite Type. Advisor: Anil Nerode. Career: Rutgers Univeristy.
Richard Edward Schwartz
Title: Properties of Invariant Multivariate Tests. Advisor: Jack Kiefer. Career: Defense Research and Engineering.
Linda Ruth Sons
Title: The Distribution of Values of Functions Defined by Gap Power Series. Advisor: Wolfgang Fuchs. Career: Northern Illinois University.
Steven Karl Thomason
Title: Investigations in the Structure of the Upper Semi-lattice of Hyperdegrees. Advisor: Gerald Sacks. Career: Simon Fraser University.
John Shu-Ping Wang
Title: On the Groups of the Homotopy Classes of the Stable Maps Between Z2-Moore spaces. Advisor: Peter Hilton. Career: Purdue University.
1967 (7 doctorates)
David Sheldon Moore
Title: Topics in Asymptotic Estimation Using Order Statistics. Advisor: Jack Kiefer. Career: Purdue University; President of the American Statistical Association (1998).
Virginia (Anne) Noonburg
Title: A Nonlinear System of Differential-Difference Equations. Advisor: Wolfgang Fuchs. Career: University of Hartford.
Philip Olin
Title: An Almost Everywhere Direct Product. Advisor: Anil Nerode. Career: York University.
Morris Orzech
Title: Derived Functors, a Theorem of Harrison, and the Fundamental Group. Advisor: Stephen Chase. Career: Queen’s University.
Margaret Ann Piech
Title: A Fundamental Solution of the Parabolic Equation on Hilbert Space. Advisor: Leonard Gross. Career: University of Buffalo.
Robert Soare
Title: Recursion Theory on Dedekind Cuts, Advisor: Anil Nerode. Career: University of Chicago. Speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Helsinki in 1978.
Yei-Chiang Wu
Title: Some Contributions to the Study of Spectral Sequences. Advisor: Peter Hilton. Career: Oakland University, Michigan.
1968 (14 doctorates)
Frank David Anger
Title: Algebraic K-Theory for Projective Modules with Quadratic Form. Advisor: Stephen Chase. Career: University of Puerto Rico; NSF.
Corwin Lee Atwood
Title: Optimal and Efficient Design of Experiments. Advisor: Jack Kiefer. Career: University of California Davis; Statwood Consulting.
Barry Belkin
Title: Some Results in The Theory of Recurrent Random Walk. Advisor: Harry Kesten. Career: Wagner Math Finance.
Luc Demers
Title: Homology Theories and Duality of Functors. Advisor: Peter Hilton. Career: University of Ottawa.
Paul Christian Eklof
Title: Resolutions of Singularities in Prime Characteristic for Almost All Primes. Advisor: James Ax. Career: University of California, Irvine.
Sidnie Dresher Feit
Title: k-mersions of Manifolds. Advisor: Israel A. Berstein. Career: Yale University.
Gerald Seymour Garfinkel
Title: Amitsur Cohomology and an Exact Sequence Involving Pic and the Brauer Group. Advisor: Alex F.T.W. Rosenberg. Career: Oakland University; New Mexico State University; DefTec Corporation.
Martin Mayr Guterman
Title: On ABA-Groups of Finite Order. Advisor: Alex F.T.W. Rosenberg and Daniel Gorenstein. Career: Tufts University.
Chin-Shui Hsu
Title: Cohomology of Pro-finite Groups with Continuous Coefficients. Advisor: Alex F.T.W. Rosenberg. Career: University of Iowa.
Manuel Lerman
Title: Recursive Functions Modulo Co-maximal Sets. Advisor: Anil Nerode. Career: University of Connecticut.
Kalyan Kumar Mukherjea
Title: Fredholm Manifolds and Cohomology. Advisor: James Eells. Career: University of California Los Angeles, Indian Statistical Institutes in Delhi and Calcutta; Composer, Sarod player, Hindustani classical music.
Jacob Manuel Plotkin
Title: Generic Embeddings. Advisor: Anil Nerode. Career: Michigan State University.
Arthur T. Jr. Ryan
Title: On Age-Dependent Branching Processes. Advisor: Harry Kesten. Career: Developer of the Statistical package Minitab.
Barbara Falkenbach Ryan
Title: Omega-Cohesive Sets. Advisor: Anil Nerode. Career: Minitab.
1969 (7 doctorates)
David Earl Dobbs
Title: Cech Cohomology and a Dimension Theory for Commutative Rings. Advisor: Alex F.T.W. Rosenberg. Career: The University of Tennessee.
Lawrence Albert Harris
Title: Schwarz's Lemma and the Maximum Principle in Infinite Dimensional Spaces. Advisor: Clifford Earle. Career: University of Kentucky.
Richard Andrew Holley
Title: The Motion of a Heavy Particle in an Infinite One-Dimensional Diffusions. Advisor: Frank Spitzer. Career: University of Colorado, Boulder.
Robert Gerard Jeroslow
Title: Uses of Self-Reference in Arithmetic. Advisor: Anil Nerode. Career: Carnegie Melon University; Georgia Institute of Technology.
Nishan Kay Krikorian
Title: Manifolds of Maps. Advisor: James Eells. Career: Northeastern University.
Howard Allen Levine
Title: Convexity and Differential Inequalities in Hilbert Space. Advisor: Larry Payne. Career: Iowa State University.
Harold Joseph Stolberg
Title: Group Cohomologies for Hopf Algebras and Other Categories. Advisor: Stephen Chase. Career: NSF.
Cornell Mathematics Doctorates, 1970-1979

From Cornell: A History 1940-2015 by Glenn C. Altschuler and Isaac Kramnick: In 1974, Corson and the Board of Trustees announced the first balanced endowed budget in eight years. But good time were fleeting, as rampant inflation and a dramatic decline in the stock market hit Cornell in 1974 and 1975. Cornell's endowment dropped from $318 million to $271 million. The State of New York cut back $3.3 million in payments to Cornell in 1974, resulting in the loss of ninety jobs. Corson returned to gloom and doom. "Since 1965 I have not seen a situation so uncertain and so potentially serious as the one we face right now" he noted, even though he understood that "the whole Campus is tired of hearing about troubles".
The Johnson Museum of Arts was built in 1973 near White Hall.
The Mathematics Department was hit hard during the budget cuts of seventies but the graduate program produced one hundred seventeen Ph.D.s during that decade, a record. Only eleven of the recipients were women. Thirty nine different faculty supervised these doctorates. The most active faculty during this decade were Anil Nerode (13), Leonard Gross (12), Alex F.T.W. Rosenberg (8), Frank Spitzer (7), and Clifford Earle and Harry Kesten (6).
1970 (17 doctorates)
Leonard Edward Adelson
Title: Singular Perturbations in a Class of Improperly Posed Problems. Advisor: Lawrence Payne. Career: North Adams State College, Massachusetts.
Donald Alvin Alton
Title: Uniformities in Recursively Enumerable Sets. Advisor:Anil Nerode. Career: University of Iowa.
Woodrow Dale Brownawell
Title: Some Transcendence Results for the Exponential Function. Advisor: Stephen H. Schanuel and George Stewart Rinehart. Career: Pennsylvania State University.
William Henry Cutler
Title: Negligibilty and Deficiency in Frechet Manifolds. Advisor: David Henderson. Career: Louisiana State University.
Ross Geoghegan
Title: Topological and Simplicial Properties of Function-Spaces, and a Stability Theorem for Spaces of Homeomorphisms and Embeddings. Advisor: David Henderson. Career: State University of New york, Binghamton.
Victor Wayne Goodman
Title: Regularity Properties of Harmonic Functions on Hilbert Space. Advisor: Leonard Gross. Career: Indiana University.
J. Stephen (John) Halperin
Title: Real Cohomology and Smooth Transformation Groups. Advisor: Hsien Chung Wang. Career: University of Toronto; Universidad de Málaga.
Paul Chester Kainen
Title: Universal Coefficient Theorems and Weak Adjoint Functors. Advisor: Peter Hilton. Career: Case Western Reserve University.
Linda Almgren Kime
Title: On Purely Inseparable Field Extensions: the Diagram of an Extension and Modular Extensions of Unbounded Exponent. Advisor: Moss Sweedler. Career: University of Massachusetts, Boston.
Hui-Hsiung Kuo
Title: Integration Theory on Infinite Dimensional Manifolds. Advisor: Leonard Gross. Career: Louisiana State University.
Robert Alan Morris
Title: The Reciprocity Isomorphisms of Class Field Theory. Advisor: Alex F.T.W. Rosenberg. Career: University of Massachusetts, Boston.
Kenneth Wilfred Newman
Title: Topics in the Theory of Irreducible Hopf Algebras. Advisor: Stephen Chase. Career: University of Massachusetts, Boston.
Brian Kenneth O'Byrne
Title:On Finsler Geometry and Applications to Teichmüller Spaces. Advisor: Clifford Earle. Career: unknow.
Loyal Taylor Ollman
Title: Operators on Models. Advisor: Anil Nerode. Career: Financial Industry.
Michael Allen Selby
Title: Necessary and Sufficient Conditions to Insure that a Certain Intrinsic Metric Is Complete. Wolfgang Fuchs. Career: University of Windsor, Ontario.
Robert David Speiser
Title: Cohomology Dimension and Abelian Varieties. Advisor: Robin Cope Hartshorn and Stephen Lichtenbaum. Career: Brigham Young University.
Samuel Stanfield Wagstaff
Title: On Infinite Matroids. Advisor: Oscar Rothaus. Career: Purdue University.
1971 (16 doctorates)
Manju Mathur Bewtra
Title: Double Centralizer Theorems for Algebras. Advisor: Stephen Chase. Career: Carnegie Mellon University.
Paul Jude Campbell
Title: Suslin Logic. Advisor: Anil Nerode. Career: Beloit College.
I-Lok Chang
Title: I. Value Distribution of Lacunary Power Series and Lacunary Fourier Series II. Analytic Continuation of a Class of Functions. Advisor: Wolfgang Fuchs. Career: The American University.
Patrick W. Darko
Title: L(p)-Estimates of the Partial d-bar Operator and Sections with Growth. Advisor: Clifford Earle. Career: University of Delaware.
Alan Hetherington Durfee
Title: Diffeomorphism Classification of Isolated Hypersurface Singularities. Advisor: Peter Kahn. Career: Mount Holyoke College. Son of William H. Durfee, Ph.D. 1943, grandson of Walter H. Durfee, Ph.D. 1930, great-grandson of William Pitt Durfee who earned his Ph.D. at Johns Hopkins under of J.J. Sylvester in 1883.
Harvey Jerome Iglarsh
Title: Regularity For The Initial-boundary Value Problem For The Heat Equation In Infinite Dimensions. Advisor: Leonard Gross. Career: Georgetown University.
Sandria Neidus Kerr
Title: Infinite Dimensional Manifolds Modeled On Abstract Wiener Spaces. Advisor: Leonard Gross. Career: Winston-Salem State University.
Ilan Kozma
Title: Some Relations Between Semigroups of Polyhedra. Advisor: Peter Hilton. Career: Weizmann Institute of Science.
George Metakides
Title: Some Results in Metalogic. Advisor: Anil Nerode. Career: Rochester University; University of Patras.
Richard Steven Millman
Title: Complex Structures on Real Product Bundles with Applications to DIfferential Geometry. Advisor: Hsien Chung Wang. Career: Michigan Technological University.
Sampson Akuoko Opoku
Title: On Spaces of Topologically Trivial Holomorphic Principal (Complex Plane)C*-Bundles Over Compact Riemann Surfaces of Genus G G.E.1. Advisor: Clifford Earle. Career:
Youichi Saigusa
Title: On Locally Symmetric Spaces of Arithmetic Type. Advisor: Howard Garland. Career: Kobe University.
Bjorn Schellenberg
Title:The Group of Homotopy Self-Equivalences of some Compact CW-Complexes. Advisor: Paul Olum. Career: College of Mount Saint Vincent Riverdale, NY.
Alan David Sloan
Title: The Relativistic Polaron Without Cutoffs In Two Space Dimensions. Advisor: Leonard Gross. Career: Georgia Institute of Technology; Co-founder of Iterated Systems Inc.; Developed fractal image compression algorithms.
Martin Sternstein
Title: Necessary and Sufficient Conditions For Homotopy Classification by Cohomology and Homotopy Homomorphisms. Advisor: Paul Olum. Career: Ithaca College.
John Brendam Sullivan
Title: The Classification of Hopf Algebras with Integrals. Advisor: Moss Sweedler. Career: University of Washington.
1972 (13 doctorates)
Rudolf Friedrich Beyl
Title: The Classification of Metacyclic p-Groups, and otherApplications of Homological Algebra to Group Theory. Advisor: Peter Hilton. Career: University of Heidelberg.
George Frederick Feissner
Title: A Gaussian Measure Analog to Sobolev's Inequality. Advisor: Leonard Gross. Career: State University of New York, Cortland.
Clayton Roy Lewis
Title: On Algebraic Tori over Local and Global Fields. Advisor: Stephen Lichtenbaum Career: University of New Brunswick; unknown.
Robert Duncan Little
Title: A Relation Between Obstructions and Functional Cohomology Operations. Advisor: Paul Olum. Career: University of Hawaii.
Lidia Raquel Luquet
Title: p-Norm Inequalities for Entire Functions. Advisors: Wolfgang Fuchs and Harold Widom. Career: Saint Mary's College of California.
Leon Paul Polek
Title: Lattices of Nilpotent Lie Groups and a Duality for Nilpotent Lie Algebras. Advisor: Hsien Chung Wang. Career: Rutgers University, Camden;?
Sally Riedel Sievers
Title: Topics in Ranking-Procedures. Advisor: Jack Kiefer. Career: Wells College.
Frederick Charles Solomon
Title: Random Walks in a Random Environment. Advisor: Frank Spitzer. Career: Warren Wilson College.
Ellen Rose Stone
Title: Involutions on Manifolds. Advisor: Roger Livesay. Career: Software Engineer; Treasurer, Health Freedom Action Massachusetts, Inc.
Domingo Toledo
Title: The Atiyah-Bott Formula for Isolated Fixed Points. Advisor: James Eels and Roger Livesay. Career: University of Utah.
Richard Clinton Vile, Jr.
Title: A Spectral Sequence for Cofibrations and Applications to the Computation of Pontryagin Algebras of Loop-Spaces. Advisor: Roger Livesay. Career: BNR, Inc.; Principal Software Engineer at SunGard Data Management.< /p>
John Frederick Yeagley
Title: Locally Strongly Separable Algebras over Connected Commutative Rings. Advisor: Stephen Chase. Career: York College of Pennsylvania.
Robert Zarrow
Title: Symmetric and Quasi-Symmetric Riemann Surfaces. Clifford Earle. Career: Northern Illinois University.
1973 (12 doctorates)
Jairo Ivan Alvarez
Title: The Riesz Decomposition Theorem For Distributions On A Wiener Space. Advisor: Leonard Gross. Career: Governmental Administration, Colombia.
Christopher John Atkin
Title: Filtrations of Banach Manifolds. Advisor: James Eells. Career: Victoria University of Wellington.
Thomas Curtis Craven
Title: Witt Rings and Orderings of Fields. Advisor: Alex F.T.W. Rosenberg. Career: University of Hawaii.
John David Emerson
Title: Simple Points of an Affine Algebraic Variety. Advisor: Alex F.T.W. Rosenberg. Career: Middlebury College.
Eugene Hamilton
Title: The Infinitely Renormalized Field In The Scalar Field Model. Advisor: Leonard Gross. Career: Washington College.
Richard Elam Heisey
Title: Manifolds Modelled on R^(infinity) or Bounded Weak-* Topologies. Advisor: David Henderson. Career: Vanderbilt University.
Vasanti Arun Jategaonkar
Title: Tiled Orders. Advisor: Alex F.T.W. Rosenberg. Career: Fordham University.
Elyahu Katz
Title: Free-Groups and Co-Products in Topological Categories, and their Application to Principal Fiber Bundles and Principal Co-Fiber Bundles. Advisor: Israel Berstein. Career: University of Guelph, Ontario, Bar Ilan University.
Chamond M. Liu
Title: Cohomology of Locally-Compact Groups. Advisor: Hsien Chung Wang. Career: Fordham University; IBM.
Pierre Jean Malraison, Jr.
Title: Homotopy Associative Categories and Homotopy Equivalences of Categories. Advisor: Jonathan Mock Beck. Career: Autodesk, Inc.; PJM Consulting, LLC.
Kenneth Ira Mandelberg
Title: Quadratic Forms over Semi-local Rings, Amitsur Cohomology and the Brauer Group. Advisor: Alex F.T.W. Rosenberg. Career: Emory University.
Wesley Eugene Terry
Title: On Equivalent Product Structures and Classification of Keller Retracts. Advisor: David Henderson. Career: New Mexico State University; SUNY Cortland.
1974 (13 doctorates)
James Orvis Berger
Title: Admissibility in Location Parameter Problems. Advisor: Lawrence Brown. Career: Purdue University; Duke University.
Edward Franklin Eisenberg
Title: Effective Isomorphisms of Algebraic Systems. Advisor: Anil Nerode. Career: Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Physician, specialties psychiatry and anesthesiology.
Philip William Lavori
Title: Recursion in Extended Objects of Finite Type. Advisor: Richard Platek and Anil Nerode. Career: Professor of Biomedical Data Sciences, Stanford School of Medicine.
Chao-Chu Liang
Title: Involutions on Homotopy Spheres and Their Gluing Diffeomorphisms. Advisor: Roger Livesay. Career: University of Kansas; ?
Kenneth Gordon Logan
Title: Time Reversible Evolutions in Statistical Mechanics. Advisor: Frank Spitzer. Career: unknown.
Leon Stagg Newman, Jr.
Title: One-Point Compactifications of Hilbert Cube Manifold Factors and Infinite Mapping Cylinders. Advisor: James West. Career: Bell Labs; Chief Technologist, FCC and McKinsey and Company.
Thomas John O'Malley
Title: Advisor: Hsien Chung Wang. Career: University of Mount Union.
Gabriel Michael Obi
Title: L^p Spaces with Continuously Mixed Norms with Application to Hypercontractive Semigroups. Advisor: Leonard Gross. Career: Computer Professionals Registration Council of Nigeria.
Jeffrey Brian Remmel
Title: Co-recursively Enumerable Structures. Advisor: Anil Nerode. Career: University of California San Diego.
Robert Joseph Stanton
Title: On Mean Convergence of Fourier Series on Compact Lie Groups. Advisor: Anthony Knapp. Career: The Ohio State University.
Richard Leslie Thompson
Title: Equilibrium States on Thin Energy Shells. Advisor: Frank Spitzer. Career: State University of New York, Bingharnton; Founding member of the Bhaktivedanta Institute, the scientific branch of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness.
Peter Anthony Tomas
Title: On Radial Fourier Multipliers. Advisor: Anthony Knapp. Career: The University of Texas, Austin.
Graham Hilton Toomer
Title: Lusternik-Schnirelmann Category and the Moore Spectral Sequence. Advisor: Israel Berstein. Career: Ohio State University; ?
1975 (6 doctorates)
Subinoy Chakravarty
Title:The Set Where a Transcendental Entire Function is Large and an Allied Problem. Advisor: Wolfgang Fuchs. Career: Research Consultant.
Susan Carol Geller
Title: On the GE(sub n) of a Ring and Some New Algebraic K-Groups. Advisor: Stephen Chase. Career: Texas A&M University.
Roy Johnson King
Title: Stochastic Integrals And Metadistributions: Applications To Stochastic Partial Differential Equations And Quantum Field Theory. Advisor: Leonard Gross and Kiyosi Ito. Career: Associate Professor (Psychiatry) Stanford University.
Marco Fidel Suarez
Title: Galois Cohomology in Dedekind Domains. Advisor: Shankar Sen. Career: unknown.
David Louis Tanny
Title:On Branching Processes in Random Environments. Advisor: Harry Kesten. Career: York University.
Stuart Sui-Sheng Wang
Title: Separable Algebras and Free Cubic Extensions over Commutative Rings. Advisor: Alex F.T.W. Rosenberg. Career: Oakland University.
1976 (14 doctorates)
Joanne Rose Bogart
Title: Ring Extensions, Separable and Purely Inseparable, and Wedderburn Specters. Advisor: Moss Sweedler. Career: Software Developer, Research at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory.
Bonnie Gold
Title: Compact and w-compact formulas in Lw1%2Cw. Advisor: Michael Morley. Career: Monmouth University.
David S. Griffeath
Title: Coupling Methods for Markov Processes. Advisor: Frank Spitzer. Career: University of Wisconsin.
Alan Kenneth Jones
Title: Path Spaces which are Hilbert Cube Manifolds. Advisor: James West. Career: University of Oklahoma; Boeing Company.
Iraj Kalantari
Title: Structural Properties of the Lattice of Recursively Enumerable Subspaces. Advisor: Anil Nerode. Career: University of Western Illinois.
Jerrold Lewis Kleinstein
Title: Abstract Witt Rings. Advisor: Alex F.T.W. Rosenberg. Career: State University of New York at Stony Brook; ?
Thomas Madison Lamm
Title: A Dual Reciprocity Map for Local Fields. Advisor: Stephen Lichtenbaum. Career: Berea College, KY.
Alan David MacDermot
Title: A Lattice Approximation To The Y2 Euclidean Quantum Field Theory And A Correlation Inequality. Advisor: Leonard Gross. Career: System Engineer, IBM.
Terrence Staples Millar
Title: Theory of Recursively Presented Models. Advisor: Anil Nerode. Career: University of Wisconsin.
Allen Theodore Retzlaff
Title: Recursive and Simple Vector Spaces. Advisor: Anil Nerode. Career: Senior Scientist Baxter Labs of Xerox Corp., Rochester.
David Alan Riffelmacher
Title: Three Partial Orders Arising from Multiplication Alternation by Two Cycles. Advisor: Moss Sweedler. Career: Bell Laboratories.
Grant Alden Ritter
Title: Advisor: Harry Kesten. Career: University of Florida.
Alexander Sze
Title: On the Values of L-Functions at Negative Integers. Advisor: Stephen Lichtenbaum. Career: Massachusetts Inslitute of Technology; Administrator, Concordia College.
Michael C. Venning
Title: The Structure of Aleph-zero Categorical Structures. Advisor: Anil Nerode. Career: Physician, New York City.
1977 (12 doctorates)
Maury Daniel Bramson
Title: Maximal Displacement of Branching Brownian Motion. Advisor: Harry Kesten. Career: University of Minnesota. Speaker at the 1994 International Congress of Mathematicians in Zurich.
Ching-Shui Cheng
Title: Optimal Designs for the Elimination of Heterogeneity. Advisor: Jack Kiefer. Career: University of California Berkeley.
Karel Ehrlich
Title: Finiteness Obstruction of Fiber Spaces. Advisor: Peter Kahn and Israel Berstein. Career: Director, AT&T Laboratories.
Lawrence F. Gray
Title: Controlled Spin-Flip Systems. Advisor: Frank Spitzer. Career: University of Minnesota.
Kanji Ichihara
Title: Some Global Properties of Symmetric Diffusion Processes. Advisor: Harry Kesten. Career: Meijo University.
Steven Arthur Kalikov
Title: Generalized Random Walk in a Random Environment. Advisor: Harry Kesten. Career: University of Memphis.
Aurel Kleinerman
Title: Limit Theorems for Infinitely Divisible Random Fields. Advisor: Frank Spitzer. Career: Founder and CEO, MITEM Corporation.
Peter Martin Knopf
Title: Weak-Type Multipliers. Advisor: Robert Strichartz. Career: Pace University.
Robert Henry Lewis
Title: Homology Decompositions and Cofibrations of Nonsimply-connected Spaces. Advisor: Peter Kahn and Paul Olum. Career: Fordham University.
Charlotte Rose Lin
Title: Recursion Theory on Countable Abelian Groups. Advisor: Anil Nerode. Career: Senior Manager and Staff Scientist, Boeing Corporation.
Peter Mansfield
Title: On Logarithmic Sobolev Inequalities. Advisor: Leonard Gross. Career: unknown .
Joseph Edward Pasciak
Title: A Penalty Correction Method for Elliptic Problems and Extrapolation with Parabolic Problems. Advisor: James Bramble. Career: Texas A&M University.
1978 (3 doctorates)
Robert Scott Fowler
Title: Local Holomorphic Families of Discs. Advisor: Clifford Earle. Career: Pennsylvania State University; University of Puget Sound .
Peter Edwin La Roche
Title:Contributions to Recursive Algebra. Advisor: Anil Nerode. Career: Industry, Rochester, N.Y.
William Irwin Notz
Title: Two Problems in Optimal Design Theory. Advisor: Jack Kiefer. Career: The Ohio State University.
1979(11 doctorates)
John Bruce Bell
Title: The Noncharacteristic Cauchy Problem for Time Dependent Equations. Advisor: Lawrence Payne. Career: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Wesley James Browning
Title: Homotopy Types of Certain Finite CW-complexes with Finite Fundamental Group. Advisor: Marshall Cohen. Career: Real Change street newspaper in Seattle Washington.
Mark Steven Freeland
Title: Abstract Witt Rings: Signatures of Arbitrary Level. Advisor: Alex F.T.W. Rosenberg. Career: Bell Labs; Hunter Systems.
Norman Goldstein
Title: Families of Varieties and a Second Lefschetz Theorem for Manifold Sections in Complex Projective Space. Advisor: Andrew Sommese. Career: Software Engineer.
Cheng-Tan Hsiao
Title: The Stochastic Time Evolution of Gaussian Interacting Systems. Advisor: Frank Spitzer. Career: National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan.
James Edward Hutton
Title: The Recurrence and Transience of Two-Dimensional Linear Birth and Death Processes. Advisor: Harry Kesten. Career: Bucknell University.
Nicholas S. Miller
Title: Pseudodifferential Operators and Weighted Sobolev Spaces. Advisor: Robert Strichartz. Career: Gustavus Adolphus College; Industry.
Kenneth Norman Moss
Title: Homology of the Special Linear Group of the Ring of Integers Localized Away from a Prime. Advisor: Kenneth Brown. Career: University of Houston.
Patricia Liliane Sipe
Title: Roots of the Canonical Bundle of the Universal Teichmüller Curve. Advisor: Clifford Earle. Career: Smith College.
Michael I. Taksar
Title: Translation Invariant Regenerative Sets and Subprocesses of Markov Processes. Advisor: Eugene Dynkin. Career: State University of New York at Stony Brook.
Catherine Mary Wagner
Title: On Martin's Conjecture. Advisor: Michael Morley. Career: Education, Cornell.
Cornell Mathematics Doctorates, 1980-1989
Following the record 117 mathematics doctorates awarded at Cornell during the previous decade, only sixty one were awarded from 1980 to 1989. Thirteen went to women.
Thirty three faculty supervised at least one Ph.D.s during this decade. Anil Nerode (6) and John Hubbard (5) were the most active, followed by Louis Billera, Kenneth Brown, Marshall Cohen, Leonard Gross, Stephen Lichtenbaum, Lawrence Payne, Alex F.T.W. Rosenberg and Richard Shore (3).
In 1986, the Mathematical Science Institute was created under the leadership of Geoffrey Ludford, Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mathematics, and with the help of Charlie Van Loan (Computer Science), Lars Wahlbin (Mathematics), and Narahari Prabhu (OR-IE). It was supported for ten years by a grant from Army Research Office.
Left, Dragon day in1988 on the Arts Quad in front of White Hall and Sibley Hall.
1980 (9 doctorates)
William Henry Beckmann
Title: Completely Aspherical 2-Complexes. Advisor: Marshall Cohen. Career: Owner and President of Network Computing Associates, Ltd.
Brian Evan Blank
Title: Boundary Behaviour of Limits of Discrete Series Representations. Advisor: Anthony Knapp. Career: Washington University in St. Louis.
Matthew James Donald
Title: The Classical Limits of P([phi]) Quantum Field Theories. Advisor: Leonard Gross. Career: The Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge, UK.
Constantine Achilleos Gatsonis
Title: Estimation of the Posterior Density of a Location Parameter. Advisor: Lawrence Brown. Career: Brown University, School of Public Health.
Neil Immerman
Title: First Order Expressibility as a Complexity Measure. Advisors: Anil Nerode and Juris Hartmanis. Career: University of Massachusetts Amherst.
James Elliot Meister
Title: On Supercuspidal Representations of the Metaplectic Group. Advisor: Stephen Gelbart. Career: Institute of Advanced Study; Karus-Alterman Corporation.
Subhashis Nag
Title: On some geometrical problems in Teichmuller and Torelli spaces. Advisor: Clifford Earle. Career: The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai. 1998 Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize for Science and Technology.
Alicia Norma Sevilla
Title: On Continuous Galois Cohomology. Advisor: Shankar Sen. Career: Moravian College.
Darko Veljan
Title: Euler Manifolds and Stiefel-Whitney Homology Classes. Advisor: Peter Kahn. Career: University of Zagreb.
1981 (4 doctorates)
Isabel Marie Beichl
Title: Computations in Group Cohomology for Finite Groups. Advisor: Kenneth Brown. Career: National Institute of Standards and Technology.
Stephen Brady
Title: Recursive Aspects of Real Closed Fields. Advisor: Anil Nerode. Career: Senior Software Engineer, IBM.
Gudrun Birgitta Brattstrom
Title:L-functions of Jacobi-sum Hecke characters. Advisor: Stephen Lichtenbaum. Career: Stockholm University.
Martin W. Lo
Title:Isometric Embeddings of Manifolds with Boundary. Advisor: Richard Hamilton and Roger Livesay. Career: Navigation and Mission Design Section, Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
1982 (6 doctorates)
Melville Lester Bienenfeld
Title: Advisor: Stephen Lichtenbaum. Career: Westchester Community College.
Jaime Bohorquez
Title: On the Effective Content of the Theory of Modules. Advisor: Anil Nerode. Career: Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería.
Nilotpal Ghosh
Title: On the Convergence of the Boundary Element Method. Advisor: Lars Wahlbin. Career: Community College of Baltimore County.
Bruce Masao Ikenaga
Title: Homological Dimension and Farrell Cohomology. Advisor: Kenneth Brown. Career: Millersville University of Pennsylvania.
William Kazez
Title: On Equivalences of Branched Coverings and Their Action on Homology. Advisor: Israel Berstein. Career: University of Georgia.
Leonard Robert Schreiber
Title: Non-Recursiveness in Euclidean and Integral Domains. Advisor: Anil Nerode. Career: Computer Consultant, NYC.
1983 (9 doctorates)
Margaret M. Bayer
Title: Facial Enumeration in Polytopes, Spheres and Other Complexes. Advisor: Louis Billera. Career: University of Kansas.
Ethan David Bloch
Title: Pulling Apart Simplexwise Linear Near-Embeddings of a 2-Disk in R^2, Advisor: David Henderson. Career: Bard College.
Steven Patrick Boyer
Title:Shake-Slice Knots. Advisor: Peter Kahn. Career: Université du Québec à Montréal.
Maryse Camilla Desrochers
Title: Self - Duality of Integer Rings as Galois Modules. Advisor: Stephen Chase. Career: Marianopolis College.
Eric Stephen Key
Title: Recurrence and Transience Criteria and a Limit Law for Generalized Random Walk in a Random Environment. Advisor: Harry Kesten. Career: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
Jiann-Hua Lou
Title: Some Properties of a Special Class of Self Similar Processes. Advisor: Harry Kesten. Career: National University of Singapore Singapore.
David Alan Odell
Title: Trace Constructions in alpha-Recursion Theory. Advisor: Richard Shore. Career: University of Melbourne; Insureware.
Philip Henry Scowcroft
Title: The Real-Algebraic Structure of Scott's Model of Intuitionistic Analysis. Advisor: Anil Nerode. Career: Wesleyan University.
David Lea Webb
Title: Grothendieck Groups of Dihedral and Quaternion Group Rings. Advisor: Kenneth Brown. Career: Dartmouth College.
1984 (3 doctorates)
Sheryl Silibovsky Brady
Title: Recursive Topology in Euclidean Space. Advisor: Anil Nerode. Career: State University of New York, Purchase.
Charles Helou
Title: An Explicit 2^n-th Reciprocity Law. Advisor: Shankar Sen. Career: Penn State University, Brandywine Campus.
Wei-Shih Yang
Title:Simon-Lieb Inequality for Phi-4 Theory in Two Dimensions. Advisor: Eugene Dynkin and Leonard Gross. Career: Temple University.
1985 (7 doctorates)
Christine Ann Haught
Title: Turing and Truth-table Degrees of 1-Generic and Recursively Enumerable Sets. Advisor: Richard Shore. Career: Loyola University, Chicago.
Katherine E. Magurn
Title: Subdivision and Enumeration in Balanced Complexes. Advisor: Louis Billera. Career: Miami University, Ohio.
Colm K. Mulcahy
Title: Spaces of Signatures. Advisor: Alex F.T.W. Rosenberg. Career: Spelman College.
Victoria A. Powers
Title:Finite Constructable Spaces of Signatures. Advisor: Alex F.T.W. Rosenberg. Career: Emory University.
Patrick Russel Sheppard
Title: The Dirichlet Principle and Finite Energy Solutions of the Discrete Dirichlet Problem. Advisor: Eugene Dynkin. Career: Project Engineer, MDA.
Mark Frazer Simpson
Title: Arithmetic Degrees: Initial Segments, omega-REA Operators and the omega-Jump. Advisor: Richard Shore. Career: Xerox Corporation; Founding President of LG Electronics Research Center of America (LGERCA), now Trivet Digital.
Andrew J. Sterge
Title: Game Theoretic Models of Coalition Formation and Power in Legislatures. Advisor: William Franklin Lucas. Career: Head of the Reinsurance Group, AQR Capital Management, LLC.
1986 (4 doctorates)
Allan David Bennett
Title: Continuous Dependence on Modeling in the Cauchy Problem for Second-Order Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations. Advisor: Lawrence Payne. Career: Vice President and Portfolio Manager at Farmington Asset Management Ltd.
Bruce Driver
Title:Convergence of the Four-Dimensional U(1) Lattice Gauge Theory to Its Continuum Limit. Advisor: Leonard Gross. Career: University of California, San Diego.
Jan Persens
Title: On Stabilizing Ill-Posed Problems for Partial Differential Equations under Perturbations of the Geometry of the Domain. Advisor: Lawrence Payne. Career: University of the Western Cape; Director of International Relations; President of the African Mathematical Union 1999-2004.
Title: A Coefficient Determination Problem for the Wave Equation. Advisor: Lawrence Payne. Career: University of Delaware.
1987 (6 doctorates)
Kevin Hutchinson
Title: On the Homology of GL_2 of a Field. Advisor: Stephen Lichtenbaum. Career: University College, Dublin.
Eric Paul Klassen
Title: Representations of knot groups in SU(2). Advisor: Marshall Cohen. Career: Florida State University.
Ralph Werner Oberste-Vorth
Title: Complex Horseshoes and the Dynamics
of Mappings of Two Complex Variables. Advisor: John Hubbard. Career: Indiana State University; Marshall University.
Leena-Maija Reissell
Title: Gaps in Scott Ranks. Advisor: Michael Morley. Career: XOX Corporation.
Jacques Rioux
Title: On the Equivariant Homotopy Type of Compact G-ANR's. Advisor: James West. Career: Senior Actuarial Scientist at SAS Institute.
Ben Scott Wittner
Title: On the Bifurcation Loci of Rational Maps of Degree Two. Advisor: John Hubbard. Career: Staff Scientist, Massachusetts General Hospital Center for Cancer Research.
1988 (7 doctorates)
Susan Maureen Barton
Title: The Real Spectrum of Higher Level of a Commutative Ring. Advisor: Alex F.T.W. Rosenberg. Career: West Virginia University.
Thomas Gerald Brady
Title:The Integral Cohomology of Out_+(F_3). Advisor: Marshall Cohen and Karen Vogtmann. Career: Dublin City University.
Allen Lee Fogelsanger
Title: The Generic Rigidity of Minimal Cycles. Advisor: Robert Connelly. Career: Musician, Marymount Manhattan College.
Janet Elizabeth Head
Title: The Combinatorics of Newton's Method for Cubic Polynomials. Advisor: John Hubbard. Career: unknown.
Geoffrey Kiralis
Title: Pseudo-Isotopies of Irreducible Three-Manifolds. Advisor: Allen Hatcher. Career: unknown (associated with Dartmouth College).
Gabriele Elizabeth Meyer
Title: Attracting and Repelling Point Pairs for Vectorfields on Manifolds. Advisor: David Henderson. Career: Lecturer, University of Wisconsin.
Lauren Lynn Rose
Title: The Structure of Modules of Splines over Polynomial Rings. Advisor: Louis Billera. Career: Bard College.
1989 (6 doctorates)
Steven Anthony Bianco
Title: Stochastic Epidemic in a Large Population. Advisor: Richard Durrett. Career: Senior Principal Engineer at Autodesk.
Benjamin Martin Bielefeld
Title: Changing the Order of Critical Points of Polynomials Using Quasiconformal Surgery. Advisor: John Hubbard. Career: unknown.
Yuval Fisher
Title:The Classification of Critically Preperiodic Polynomials. Advisor: John Hubbard. Career: National Security Agency.
Mark Gordon Low
Title: A Unified Asymptotic Minimax Theory for Nonparametric Density Estimation and Nonparametric Regression. Advisor: Lawrence Brown. Career: Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
Christopher Francis Noble
Title: Equilibrium Behavior of the Sexual Reproduction Process. Advisor: Richard Durrett. Career: Lawrence University; Senior Consulting Actuary at Towers Watson, Seattle, Washington.
Jinchao Xu
Title: Theory of Multilevel Methods. Advisor: James Bramble. Career: Pennsylvania State University.
Cornell Mathematics Doctorates, 1990-1999

The Mathematical Science Institute (1986-1997) was supported for ten years by a grant from the Army Research Office. The four designated areas of research in the Institute were applied analysis, physical mathematics, numerical analysis and statistics and applied probability. For most of the institute existence (1987-1997), Anil Nerode served as Director.
On October eight 1998, to everyone surprise, a large Pumpkin was discovered at the top of McGraw tower. It remained there until the next spring.
Ninety three doctorates were awarded during this decade including sixteen to women. After the swings of the previous two decades, the annual rate of 9 to 10 per year became the norm. Thirty nine faculty supervised Ph.D.s during the period. The most active advisors were Richard Durrett (12 students) followed by Leonard Gross (9), Anil Nerode (6), Allen Hatcher (5), and Kenneth Brown, John Hubbard, Richard Shore, Roberts Strichartz and Karen Vogtmann (4).
1990 (16 doctorates)
Mark Brittenham
Title: Essential Laminations in Seifert-Fibered Spaces. Advisor: Allen Hatcher. Career: University of Nebraska at Lincoln.
Francois Destrempes
Title: Invariants of Virtual Lattices over Group Rings with Applications to Galois Module Structure. Advisor: Stephen Chase. Career: University of Ottawa.
Ping Lee
Title: On the Vector-Scalar Potential Formulation of the Three Dimensional Eddy Current Problem. Advisor: James Bramble. Career: President and General Manager of BG Group China (Oil & Gas).
Gregory Lieb
Title: Holomorphic Motions and Teichmüller Space. Advisor: Clifford Earle. Career: Dresdner Kleinwort, Commerzbank; Alto Energy, LLC.
Ming Lin
Title: The Convergence of the U(1) Gauge Theory on Random Lattices in Three Dimensions. Advisor: Leonard Gross. Career: Managing Director at Royal Bank of Scotland - RBS Global Banking & Markets.
James Lipton
Title: Relating Kripke Models and Realizability. Advisor: Anil Nerode. Career: Wesleyan University.
Xialong Luo
Title: High-Dimensional Annihilating Branching Random Walks. Advisor: Richard Durrett. Career: Sr. Director, Biostatistics at Celgene.
Randolph McCarthy
Title: Cyclic Homology of an Exact Category. Advisor: Daniel Grayson and Stephen Lichtenbaum. Career: University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign.
Claudia Neuhauser
Title: Ergodic Theorems for the Multitype Contact Process. Advisor: Richard Durrett. Career: University of Minnesota. Speaker at the 2010 International Congress of Mathematicians in Hyderabad.
Todd Peterson
Title: Convergence Properties of the Discontinuous Galerkin Method for a Scalar Hyperbolic Equation. Advisor: Lars Wahlbin. Career: University of Virginia; George Mason University;Director of Financial Engineering at Fannie Mae.
Emily Petrie
Title: Convergence of Power Series Invariants for Families of P-adic Galois Representations. Advisor: Shankar Sen. Career: Arizona State University; Merrimack College, MA.
Ambar Sengupta
Title: The Yang-Mills Measure for the Two-Sphere. Advisor: Leonard Gross. Career: Louisiana State University.
Duminda Wijesekera
Title: Constructive Modal Logics. Advisor: Anil Nerode. Career: George Mason University.
Alexander Yakhnis
Title: Game Theoretic Semantics for Concurrent Programs and Their Specifications, Advisor: Anil Nerode. Career: The College at Brockport (SUNY Brockport).
Vladimir Yakhnis
Title: Concurrent Programs, Calculus of State Strategies, and Gureviuch-Harrington Games. Advisor: Anil Nerode. Career: Vice President and Chief Scientist at STILMAN ADVANCED STRATEGIES LLC.
Yu Zhang
Title: A Power Law for Connectedness of Some Random Graphs at the Critical Point. Advisor: Harry Kesten. Career: University of Colorado, Colorado Springs.
1991 (8 doctorates)
Ernesto Acosta
Title: On the Essential Self-Adjointness of Dirichlet Operators on Non-Linear Path Space. Advisor: Leonard Gross. Career: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota.
Martin Bridson
Title: Geodesics and Curvature in Metric Simplicial Complexes. Advisor: Karen Vogtmann. Career: Oxford University. Speaker at the 2006 International Congress of Mathematicians in Madrid.
Shuh-Jye Chern
Title: Mathematical Theory of the Barotropic Model in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics. Advisor: Jerrold Marsden. Career: National Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan.
Erich Friedman
Title:First Passage Percolation on a Poisson Lattice. Advisor: Richard Durrett. Career: Stetson University, Florida.
Steven Kautz
Title: Degrees of Random Sets. Advisor: Richard Shore. Career: Iowa State University.
Alberto Setti
Title: Eigenvalue and Heat Kernel Estimates for the Weighted Laplacian on a Riemannian Manifold. Advisor: Robert Strichartz. Career: Università degli Studi dell'Insubria.
Seth Stafford
Title: Harmonic Functions on Manifolds of Nonnegative Ricci Curvature. Advisor: Richard Durrett. Career: Director of Fusion Applications Architecture, Oracle Corporation.
Melanie Stein
Title: Groups of Piecewise Linear Homeomorphisms. Advisor: Kenneth Brown. Career: Trinity College.
1992 (11 doctorates)
Bruce Anderson
Title: Signed Sequences and Rolle's Restrictions: Why Not All Real Differentiable Functions and Polynomials Satisfying Rolle's Theorem Are Constructible. Advisor: Moss Sweedler. Career: Kent State University; ?
Charles Delman
Title: Essential Laminations in Knot Complements. Advisor: Allen Hatcher. Career: Eastern Illinois University.
John Darroch Faught
Title: Local Connectivity in a Family of Cubic Polynomials. Advisor: John Hubbard. Career: Chief Actuary at Swiss Re, South Africa.
Suresh Govindachar
Title: Explicit Weight Two Motivic Cohomology Complexes and Algebraic K-Theory. Advisor: Stephen Lichtenbaum. Career: Senior Engineer, Mercedes-Benz Research & Development North America.
Zhenchun Guo
Title: The Regularity of Solutions to the Heat Equation Over Group-Valued Path Space. Advisor: Leonard Gross. Career: Banking and Finance.
Susan Hermiller
Title: Rewriting Systems for Coxeter Groups. Advisor: Kenneth Brown. Career: University of Nebraska, Lincoln.
John Meier
Title: Endomorphisms of Negatively-Curved Polygonal Groups. Advisor: Kenneth Brown. Career: Lafayette College.
Alyson Reeves
Title: Combinatorial Structure on the Hilbert Scheme. Advisor: Michael Stillman and Peter Kahn. Career: Institute for Defense Analyses, Center for Computing Science.
Rachel Roberts
Title: Construction Taut Laminations. Advisor: Allen Hatcher. Career: Washington University in St Louis.
Li-Min Song
Title: Special Values of L-Functions of Curves Over Finite Fields. Advisor: Stephen Lichtenbaum. Career: unknown.
Yue Yang
Title: Priority Arguments and Reverse Mathematics. Advisor: Richard Shore. Career: National University of Singapore.
1993 (8 doctorates)
Brian Hall
Title: The Bargmann-Segal "Coherent State" Transform for Compact Lie Groups. Advisor: Leonard Gross. Career: University of Notre Dame
Vee-Ming Lew
Title: The Semistability at Infinity for Multiple Extension Groups. Advisor: Kenneth Brown. Career: Wilkes University, PA.
Jenny Xiaoe Li
Title: Optimal Monetary Policy. Advisor: Karl Shell and Jerry Lloyd Bona. Career: Pennsylvania State University.
Antonio Machiavelo
Title: On Semi-Linear Representations over Local Fields. Advisor: Shankar Sen. Career: Universidade do Porto.
Yuan-Chung Sheu
Title: On Path Properties of Superdiffusions. Advisor: Eugene Dynkin. Career: National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan.
Weng-Yin Yap
Title: A Combinatorial Geometry of the Whitehead Torsion of Finite Abelian Groups. Advisor: Keith Dennis. Career: National University of Singapore.
Linda Hong Zhao
Title: Frequentist and Bayesian Aspects of Some Nonparametric Estimation Problems. Advisor: J. T. Gene Hwang. Career: The Wharton School University of Pennsylvania.
Louis Zulli
Title: A Matrix for Computing the Jones Polynomial of a Knot. Advisor: Allen Hatcher. Career: Lafayette College.
1994 (8 doctorates)
Heike Dengler
Title: Poisson Approximations to Continuous Security Market Models. Advisor: Richard Durrett. Career: Risk Management, Ernst & Young; Frankfurt School of Finance & Management.
William Kalies
Title: Regularized Models of Phase Transformation in One-Dimensional Nonlinear Elasticity. Advisor: Philip Holmes. Career: Florida Atlantic University.
Sungchul Lee
Title: A Note On Greedy Lattice Animals. Advisor: Harry Kesten. Career: Yonsei University, South Korea.
Susan Lee
Title: Optimal Drift on the Unit Interval. Advisor: Richard Durrett. Career: Actuary with Bolton Partners, Inc.
Lawrence Kwan Ho Ma
Title: Quasisymmetric Conjugacy of Degree N Critical Circle Map. Advisor: John Hubbard. Career: National University of Singapore;?
John W. Parker
Title: Band-Limited Wavelets With Rotational Symmetry. Advisor: Robert Strichartz. Career: unknown.
Dierk Schleicher
Title: Internal Addresses in the Mandelbrot Set and Irreducibility of Polynomials. Advisor: John Hubbard. Career: Jacobs University Bremen.
Gengqiang Zhou
Title: Finiteness and Compactness for the Family of Isospectral Riemannian Manifolds. Advisor: Robert Strichartz. Career: unkown.
1995 (7 doctorates)
James Coykendall
Title: Normsets and Rings of Algebraic Integers. Advisor: Shankar Sen. Career: North Dakota State University.
John Paul Dalbec
Title: Geometry and Combinatorics of Chow Forms. Advisor: Bernd Sturmfels. Career: Software Specialist at Youngstown State University.
Ramin Farzaneh
Title: A Computer Generated Proof for the Existence of Periodic Orbits for Three-Dimensional Vector Fields. Advisor: John Guckenheimer. Career: Director of Software Engineering at Oracle Corp.
Jiaqi Luo
Title: Combinatorics and Holomorphic Dynamics: Captures, Matings and Newton's Method. Advisor: John Hubbard. Career: Beacon Software Development Company.
Niandong Liu
Title: Algebraic and Combinatorial Methods for Face Enumeration in Polytopes. Advisor: Louis Billera. Career: Banking and Finance.
Gang Ma
Title: Brownian Motion and Admissible Limits. Advisor: Richard Durrett. Career: Actuary, Financial Industry.
Weizhen Wang
Title: On Assessment of Bioequivalence (Mean, Variance). Advisor: J.T. Gene Hwang. Career: Wright State University.
1996 (6 doctorates)
Jeffrey Baggett
Title: Non-Normal Dynamics and Hydrodynamic Stability. Advisor: Lloyd Nicholas Trefethen. Career: University of Wisconsin-La Crosse.
Tianwen (Tony) Cai
Title: Nonparametric Function Estimation via Wavelets. Advisor: Lawrence Brown. Career: Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
Richard Dunlap
Title: Superconvergence Points in Locally Uniform Finite Element Meshes for Second Order Two-Point Boundary Value Problems. Advisor: Lars Wahlbin. Career: Director of Engineering at SAI Global Compliance.
Boris Goldfarb
Title: Splitting Assembly Maps for Arithmetic Groups With Large Actions At Infinity. Advisor: James West. Career: State University of New York at Albany.
Birkett Huber
Title: Polyhedral Decompositions and Solving Sparse polynomial systems. Advisor: Bernd Sturmfels. Career: Software Engineer at Google.
Thomas Albert Stiadle
Title: Algebraic K-thoery and Assembly for Complexes of Groups. Advisor: James West. Career: Wells College.
1997 (5 doctorates)
Marcelo Aguiar
Title: Internal Categories and Quantum Groups. Advisor: Stephen Chase. Career: Texas A&M University; Cornell University.
Harel Barzilai
Title: Finiteness Properties for Handlebody Mapping Class Groups. Advisors: Allen Hatcher. Career: Salisbury University, Md.
Edward Bueler
Title: The Heat Kernel Weighted Hodge Laplacian on Noncompact Manifolds. Advisor: Leonard Gross. Career: University of Alaska, Fairbanks.
Henry Koewing Schenck
Title: Homological Methods in the Theory of Splines. Advisor: Michael Stillman. Career: University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign.
Nikhil Shah
Title: Predator Mediated Coexistence. Advisor: Richard Durrett. Career: Software Development Engineer,
1998 (15 doctorates)
Robert Bättig
Title:Completeness of securities market models-an operator point of view. Advisor: Richard Durrett. Career: Died in 1997.
Eknath Belbase
Title: Coexistence in a Two-Species Reaction Diffusion Process Using a Hydrodynamic Limit. Advisor: Richard Durrett. Career: Andrew Davidson & Co. Inc.
Debra Boutin
Title: Centralizers of Finite Subgroups of Automorphisms and Outer Automorphisms of Free Groups. Advisor: Karen Vogtmann. Career: Hamilton College, NY.
Jennifer Davoren
Title: Modal Logics for Continuous Dynamics. Advisor: Anil Nerode and Sergei Artemov. Career: The University of Melbourne.
Maria Gordina
Title: Holomorphic Functions and the Heat Kernel Measure on an Infinite Dimensional Complex Orthogonal Group. Advisor: Leonard Gross. Career: University of Connecticut.
Craig Jensen
Title: Cohomology of Aut(F(N)). Advisor: Karen Vogtmann. Career: University of New Orleans; St. Michael’s College, VT.
Min Jeong Kang
Title: Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions of One-Dimensional Parabolic Spde. Advisor: Richard Durrett. Career: North Carolina State University.
Wicharn Lewkeeratiyutkul
Title: Perturbation Theorems for Supercontractive Semigroups. Advisor: Leonard Gross. Career: Chulalongkorn University, Thailand.
Jeffrey Mitchell
Title: Short Time Behavior of Hermite Functions on Compact Lie Groups. Advisor: Leonard Gross. Career: Robert Morris University.
Ricardo Oliva
Title: On the Combinatorics of External Rays in the Dynamics of the Complex Hénon Map. Advisors: John Smillie. Career: Senior Software Engineer, Box.
Lisa Anne Orlandi-Korner
Title: Actions of Artin Groups and Automorphism Groups on Ir-Trees. Advisor: Karen Vogtmann. Career: Owner of Cotton Cradles.
Shu-Yen Pan
Title: Local Theta Correspondence and Unrefined Minimal K-Types. Advisor: Dan Barbasch. Career: National Tsing Hua University.
David Reed Solomon
Title: Reverse Mathematics and Ordered Groups. Advisor: Richard Shore. Career: University of Connecticut.
Alexander Teplayev
Title: Spectral Analysis on Infinite Sierpinski Gaskets. Advisor: Robert Strichartz. Career: University of Connecticut.
Yongjian Xiang
Title: Computing Thom-Boardman Singularities. Advisor: John Guckenheimer. Career: Two Sigma Investments, LLC.
1999 (9 doctorates)
Maria Fung
Title: Twisted Torsion on Compact Hyperbolic Spaces: a Representation-Theoretic Approach. Advisor: Birgit Speh. Career: Worcester State University.
Gonzalo Garcia
Title: On Conformal Metrics On The Euclidean Ball. Advisor: Jose Escobar. Career: Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia.
Ilya German
Title: Hedging Options with Small Transaction Costs. Advisor: Richard Durrett. Career: Senior Consultant at Solum Financial, London.
Dennis Hirschfeldt
Title: Degree Spectra of Relations on Computable Structures. Advisor: Richard Shore. Career: University of Chicago.
Robert Milnikel
Title: Nonmonotic Logic: A Monotinic Approach. Advisor: Anil Nerode and Sergei Artemov. Career: Kenyon College.
Sudeb Mitra
Title: Teichmuller Theory and Holomorphic Motions. Advisor: Clifford Earle. Career: Queens College, City University of New York.
Shayan Sen
Title: Representations and Characters of an Extension of SL(3,R) by an Outer Automorphism. Advisor: Birgit Speh. Career: Senior Actuarial Manager at Aviva Canada.
Luis Miguel O'Shea
Title: Abelian Sesquisymplectic Convexity for Orbifolds. Advisor: Reyer Sjamaar. Career: Telecommunications Consultant, Mckinsey & Company.
David Mark Stephenson
Title: Asymptotic Density in an n-Threshold Randomly Coalescing and Annihilating Random Walk on the d-Dimensional Integer Lattice. Advisor: Harry Kesten. Career: eBay, Head of Business Analytics; Managing Director and Chief Data officer, DSI Analytics.
Cornell Mathematics Doctorates, 2000-2009
In 1999, after having occupied White Hall for most of its existence, the department moved to Malott Hall, the former home of the Johnson School named after Deane Waldo Malott, the sixth president of Cornell University (1951-1963). Malott Hall's north wing was build in 1963 (Architects: Warner, Burns, Toan & Lunde). The south wing (annex) was added in 1977 (Architects: Levatich, Miller & Hoffman). The architectural drawing pictured here (1975) is from John Clair Miller and Alex Krueger, for the addition project. John Clair Miller is Professor Emeritus in the College of Architecture, Arts and Planning.
Ninety nine doctorates were awarded during the first decade of the twenty-first century. From 2000 to 2006, the graduate program was supported in part by a Vertical Integration of Research and Education in the Mathematical Sciences (VIGRE) grant from the Division of Mathematical Sciences at the National Science Foundation. The goal of this program was "to increase the number of well-prepared U.S. citizens, nationals, and permanent residents who pursue careers in the mathematical sciences". The NSF phased out the VIGRE program by the end of the decade. Thirty five faculty supervised graduate students during this decade. The most active were Anil Nerode and Laurent Saloff-Coste (7), Louis Billera, Kenneth Brown and Mike Stillman (6), Leonard Gross, John Hubbard and Lars Wahlbin (5), and Jose Escobar, Ravi Ramakrishna, Richard Shore and Karen Vogtmann (4).
2000 (4 doctorates)
Stephen Bullock
Title: Warped Cohomology. Advisor: Birgit Speh. Career: National Institute of Standards and Technology.
Andrei Caldararu
Title: Derived Categories of Twisted Sheaves on Calami-Yau Manifolds. Advisor: Mark Gross. Career: University of Wisconsin, Madison.
Antal Jarai
Title: Incipient Infinite Clusters in 2D Percolation. Advisor: Harry Kesten. Career: University of Bath.
Walker McMillan White
Title: Characterizations for Computable Structures. Advisor: Richard Shore. Career: Director, Game Design Initiative at Cornell (Computer Science).
2001 (8 doctorates)
Henrique Morais Araujo
Title: On the Total Scalar Curvature Plus Total Mean Curvature Functional. Advisor: Jose Escobar. Career: Universidade Federal de Pernambuco.
David Anthony Brown
Title: Using Spider Theory to Explore Parameter Spaces. Advisor: John Hubbard. Career: Ithaca College.
Suman Ganguli
Title: Recursive Models of Modal Logics. Advisor: Anil Nerode. Career: New York City College of Technology and The Brooklyn Institute for Social Research.
Brian Meloon
Title: Construction of Markov Partitions for Linear and Nonlinear Automorphisms of Tori. Advisor: John Guckenheimer. Career: Researcher at Campbell & Co.
Nathaniel Miller
Title: A Diagrammatic Formal System for Euclidean Geometry. Advisor: David Henderson. Career: University of Northern Colorado.
Kathryn Nyman
Title: Enumeration in Geometric Lattices and the Symmetric Group. Advisor: Louis Billera. Career: Willamette University.
Catherine Stenson
Title: Linear Inequalities for Flag f-vectors of Polytopes. Advisor: Louis Billera. Career: Juanita College.
Anke Walz
Title: On the Bellows Conjecture. Advisor: Robert Connelly. Career: Kutztown University of Pennsylvania.
2002 (10 doctorates)
Sarah Spence Adams
Title: Subspace Subcodes and Generalized Coset Codes. Advisor: Dexter Kozen. Career: Olin College of Engineering.
Ryan Budney
Title: Representations of Mapping Class Groups via Topological Constructions. Advisor: Allen Hatcher. Career: University of Victoria.
Alan Demlow
Title: Estimates for and Properties of Mixed Finite Element Methods for Elliptic Problems. Advisor: Lars Wahlbin. Career: Texas A&M University.
Ferenc Gerlits
Title: Invariants in Chain Complexes of Graphs. Advisor: Karen Vogtmann Career: Renyi Institute, Budapest; Morgan Stanley, Budapest.
Jennifer (Suzanne) Lynch Hruska Boyd
Title: On the Numerical Construction of Hyperbolic Structures for Complex Dynamical Systems. Advisor: John Smillie. Career: University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.
Geoffrey Hruska
Title: Nonpositively Curved Spaces with Isolated Flats. Advisor: Karen Vogtmann. Career: University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.
Swapneel Mahajan
Title: Shuffles and Shellings via Projection Maps. Advisor: Kenneth Brown. Career: Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai.
Joseph Miller
Title: Co-ce Classes in Computable Analysis and Topology. Advisor: Anil Nerode. Career: University of Wisconsin, Madison.
David Revelle
Title: Random Walks on Solvable Groups. Advisor: Laurent Saloff-Coste. Career: Senior Instructor at The Infinite Actuary.
Leah Stella (Gold)
Title: Some Homological Results in Commutative Algebra. Advisor: Michael Stillman Career: Cleveland State University.
2003 (4 doctorates)
Rebecca Shuller Borbely
Title: A Theory of Multitask Learning for Learning from Disparate Data Sources. Advisor: Anil Nerode. Career: CyberPoint International, Md.
Matthew Horak
Title:Mapping Class Subgroups of Automorphism Groups of Free Groups. Advisor: Karen Vogtmann. Career: University of Wisconsin, Stout.
Samuel Hsiao
Title:Peak Quasisymmetric Functions and Flag Enumeration in Eulerian Posets. Advisor: Louis Billera. Career: Bard College.
Fernando Coda Marques
Title: Existence and Compactness Theorems on Conformal Deformation of Metrics. Advisor: Jose Escobar. Career: Princeton University. Speaker at the 2010 International Congress of Mathematicans in Hyderabad. Plenary speaker at the 2014 International Congress of Mathematicians in Seoul.
2004 (13 doctorates)
James Belk
Title:Thompson's Group F. Advisor: Kenneth Brown. Career: Bard College.
Janet Best
Title: The Mathematics of Ecological Competition. Advisor: Richard Durrett. Career: Ohio State University.
Nelia Charalambous
Title: On the LP Spectrum of the Hodge Laplacian and Logarithmic Sobolev Inequalities on Non-Compact Manifolds. Advisor: Jose Escobar and Leonard Gross. Career: University of Cyprus.
Dan Ciubotaru
Title: Unitary Representations of Exceptional p-adic Groups. Advisor: Dan Barbasch. Career: University of Oxford.
Jean Cortissoz
Title: On the Ricci Flow in Rotationally Symmetric Manifolds with Boundary. Advisor: Jose Escobar. Career: University of Toledo.
Christopher Francisco
Title: Hilbert Functions and Graded Free Resolutions. Advisor: Michael Stillman. Career: Oklahoma State University.
Yuval Gabay
Title: Double Jump Inversions and Strong Minimal Covers in the Turing Degrees. Advisor: Richard Shore. Career:
Noam Greenberg
Title: The Role of True Finiteness in the Admissible Recursively Enumerable Degrees. Advisor: Richard Shore. Career: Victoria University of Wellington.
Jaeun Ku
Title: Least-Squares Methods for Second-Order Elliptic Partial Differential Equations. Advisor: Lars Wahlbin. Career: Oklahoma State University.
Dmitriy Leykekhman
Title: Pointwise Weighted Error Estimates for Parabolic Finite Element Equations. Advisor: Lars Wahlbin. Career: University of Connecticut.
Yi Lin
Title: Equivariant Symplectic Hodge Theory and Strong Lefschetz Manifolds. Advisor: Reyer Sjamaar. Career: Georgia Southern University.
Shawn Walker
Title: Shift Techniques and Multicover Inequalities on Colored Complexes. Advisor: Louis Billera. Career: National Security Agency.
Harrison Huibin Zhou
Title: Minimax Estimation With Thresholding and Asymptotic Equivalence for Gaussian Variance Regression. Advisor: J.T. Gene Hwang and Michael Nussbaum. Career: Yale University, Statistics.
2005 (14 doctorates)
Maria Belk
Title: Applications of Stress Theory: Realizing graphs and Kneser-Poulsen. Advisor: Robert Connelly. Career: Bard College.
Nathanael Berestycki
Title:Phase Transitions for the Distance of Random Walks and Applications to Genome Rearrangement. Advisor: Rick Durrett and Jean-Francois Legall. Career: University of Cambridge.
Jose Trujillo Ferreras
Title: The Random Walk Loop Soup and the Expected Area of the Brownian Loop in the Plane. Advisor: Gregory Lawler. Career: Quantitative Financial Analyst (Model Validation) at Bank of America Merrill Lynch.
Lee Gibson
Title: The Number of Sites Visited by a Random Walk on an Infinite Graph. Advisor: Laurent Saloff-Coste. Career: Instructor, The Infinite Actuary.
Radu Haiduc
Title: Horseshoes in the Forced van der Pol Equation. Advisor: John Guckenheimer. Career: Director, Credit Suisse.
Spencer Hamblen
Title: Lifting -Dimensional Galois Representations. Advisor: Ravi Ramakrishna. Career: McDaniel College.
Christopher Hardin
Title: The Horn Theory of Relational Kleene Algebra. Advisor: Dexter Kozen. Career: Union College; Finance (Jane Street Capital, NY).
Todd Kemp
Title: Hypercontractivity in Non-Commutative Holomorphic Spaces. Advisor: Leonard Gross. Career: University of California San Diego.
Antonio Montalban
Title: Beyond the Arithmetic. Advisor: Richard Shore. Career: University of California, Berkeley. Speaker at the 2014 International Congress of Mathematician in Seoul.
Roland Roeder
Title: Topology for the Basins of Attraction of Newton's Method in Two Complex Variables. Advisor: John Hubbard. Career: Indiana University, Purdue University indianapolis.
Hasanjan Sayit
Title: Realistic No Arbitrage Condition. Advisor: Philip Protter. Career: Durham University.
Fernando Schwartz
Title: Scalar Curvature Problems on Manifolds with Boundary. Advisor: Leonard Gross, Richard Schoen and Jose Escobar. Career: University of Tennessee.
Serguei Slavnov
Title: Semantic Investigations of Linear Logic. Advisor: Anil Nerode. Career: Higher School of Economics, Moscow.
Russell Woodroofe
Title: Shelling The Coset Poset. Advisor: Kenneth Brown. Career: Mississippi State University.
2006 (13 doctorates)
Drew Armstrong
Title: Generalized Noncrossing Partitions and Combinatorics of Coxeter Groups. Advisor: Louis Billera. Career: University of Miami.
Kristin Camenga
Title: Angle Sums on Polytopes and Polytonal Complexes. Advisor: Louis Billera. Career: Houghton College; Juanita College.
Guan-Yu Chen
Title: The Cutoff Phenomenon for Finite Markov Chains. Advisor: Laurent Saloff-Coste. Career: National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan.
William Gryc
Title: On the Holonomy of the Coulomb Connection over 3-Manifolds with Boundary. Advisor: Leonard Gross. Career: Muhlenberg College.
Jason Martin
Title: Building Infinite Ray-Class Towers with Specific Signatures and Small Bounded Root Discriminant. Advisor: Ravi Ramakrishna. Career: NSA, James Madison University.
Jeffrey Mermin
Title: Lexicographic Ideals. Advisor: Michael Stillman. Career: Oklahoma State University Stillwater.
Steve Morris
Title: Four- and Six-Dimensional Nilmanifolds and Symplectic Forms. Advisor: Reyer Sjamaar. Career: Unknown.
Melanie Pivarski
Title: Heat Kernels on Euclidean Complexes. Advisor: Laurent Saloff-Coste. Career: Roosevelt University.
Franco Saliola
Title: The Face Semigroup Algebra of a Hyperplane Arrangement. Advisor: Kenneth Brown. Career: Universié du Québec à Montréal.
Steven Sinnott
Title: Results in Computational Algebra of Bayesian Networks. Advisor: Michael Stillman. Career: unknown.
John Thacker
Title: Properties of Brownian and Random Walk Loop Soups. Advisor: Gregory Lawler. Career: unknown.
Birgitta Vermesi
Title:Intersection Exponents for Random Walks on Cylinders. Advisor: Gregory Lawler. Career: DigiPen.
Yan Zeng
Title: Compensators of Stopping Times. Advisor: Philip Protter. Career: Quantitative Analyst, VP, State Street Corporation.
2007 (12 doctorates)
Jason Bode
Title: Isoperimetric Constants and Self-Avoiding Walks and Polygons on Hyperbolic Coveter Groups. Advisor: Kenneth Brown. Career: Lander University.
Benjamin Chan
Title: Coexistence of Contact Processes. Advisor: Richard Durrett. Career: Director, Operational Risk Quantification at American Express.
Farkhod Eshmatov
Title: The Calogero-Moser Correspondence for Noncommutative Deformations of Kleinian Singularities. Advisor: Yuri Berest. Career: Sichuan University.
Pavel Gyrya
Title: Heat Kernel Estimates for Inner Uniform Subsets of Harnack-type Dirichlet Spaces. Advisor: Laurent Saloff-coste. Career: American Express (Risk Management).
Henri Johnston
Title: The Trace Map and Galois Module Structure of Rings of Integers for Absolutely Abelian Number Fields. Advisor: Ravi Ramakrishna. Career: University of Exeter.
Evgueni Klebanov
Title: Asymptotic Behavior of Convolutions of Centered Density on Lie Group of Polynomial Volume Growth. Advisor: Laurent Saloff-Coste. Career: Banking Industry.
Andrei Maxim
Title: Aspects of the Finite Element Method for Elliptic Partial Differential Equations. Advisor: Lars Wahlbin. Career: Executive Director - Equities Strategies at Goldman Sachs.
Vadims Moldavskis
Title: New Generic Properties of Real and Complex Dynamical Systems. Advisor: Yulij Ilyashenko. Career: Interest rate risk manager at HSBC.
Achilleas Sinefakopoulos
Title: On Some Classes of Borel Fixed Ideals and their Cellular Resolutions. Advisor: Michael Stillman. Career: unknown.
Aaron Solo
Title: Finite Element Methods for Elliptic and Parabolic Problems with Low Regularity Boundary Data. Advisor: Lars Wahlbin. Career: Quantitative research associate for Susquehanna International Group.
Mauricio Velasco
Title: Monomial Resolutions and the Cox Rings of Del Mezzo Surfaces. Advisor: Michael Stillman. Career: Universidad de los Andes.
Treven Wall
Title: A Fatou Theorem for a Class of Quasi-linear Elliptic Partial Differential Equations. Advisor: Leonard Gross. Career: The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory.
2008 (10 doctorates)
Bryant Adams
Title: Representing Processes as Update Automata and Transducers. Advisor: Anil Nerode. Career: unknown.
Edoardo Carta-Gerardino
Title: Update Transducers and Linear Recurrence Equations over Semirings. Advisor: Anil Nerode. Career: CUNY York College.
Noam Horwitz
Title: Free Resolutions of Monomial Ideals. Advisor: Irena Peeva. Career: Industry.
Sarah Koch
Title: A New Link between Teichmüller Theory and Complex Dynamics. Advisor: John Hubbard. Career: University of Michigan.
Francesco Matucci
Title: Algorithms and Classification in Groups of Piecewise-Linear Homeomorphisms. Advisor: Kenneth Brown and Martin Kassabov. Career: Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil.
Mia Minnes
Title: Computability and Complexity Properties of Automatic Structures and Their Applications. Advisor: Anil Nerode. Career: Computer Science and Engineering Department, University of California San Diego.
Michael O'Connor
Title: Using Tree Automata to Investigate Intuitionistic Propositional Logic. Advisor: Richard Shore. Career: Jane Street Capital.
Jay Schweig
Title: Poset Convex-Ear Decompositions and Applications to the Flag h-Vector. Advisor: Edward Swartz. Career: Oklahoma State University.
John Workman
Title: End-point Estimates and Multi-parameter Paraproducts on Higher Dimensional Tori. Advisor: Camil Muscalu. Career: Practice Manager at The Advisory Board Company.
Jessica Zuniga
Title: Merging of Some Time Homogeneous and Inhomogeneous Markov Chains. Advisor: Laurent Saloff-Coste. Career: Relevance at LinkedIn.
2009 (11 doctorates)
Joshua Bowman
Title: Flat Structures and Complex Structures in Teichmüller Theory. Advisor: John Hubbard. Career: Pepperdine University.
Nikolay Dimitrov
Title: Rapid evolution of complex limit cycles. Advisor: Yulij Ilyashenko. Career: Technische Universitat Berlin.
Alimjon Eshmatov
Title: Group-Valued Implosion and Conjugation Spaces. Advisor: Reyer Sjamaar. Career: Georgia Southern University.
Bradley Forrest
Title: Degree Subcomplexes of Auter Space and Ribbon Graph Complexes. Advisor: Karen Vogtmann. Career: Stockton University.
Christopher Lipa
Title: Monodromy And Hénon Mappings. Advisor: John Hubbard. Career: Software Developer.
Jonathan Needleman
Title: On Branching Laws of Representations from GL_4(F) to Sp_4(F). Advisor: Brigit Speh. Career: Le Moyne College.
Radu Murgescu
Title: On the p-Class Groups of the Pure Number Field Q(N1/p) and its Galois Closure Q(N1/p, ζp). Advisor: Ravi Ramakrishna. Career: Quantitative Analyst, Citi.
Artem Pulemotov
Title: Geometric Flows on Manifolds with Boundary. Advisor: Leonard Gross. Career: The University of Queensland.
Biao Wang
Title: Foliations for Quasi-Fuchsian 3-Manifolds. Advisor: William Thurston. Career: Queensborough Community College.
James Worthington
Title: Automata, Representations, and Proofs. Advisor: Dexter Kozen and Anil Nerode. Career: unknown.
Zhigen Zhao
Title: Decision Approach and Shrinkage Confidence Intervals. Advisor: J.T. Gene Hwang and Michael Nussbaum. Career: Temple University.
Cornell Mathematics Professors and their graduate students before 1940
The Mathematics graduate program at Cornell owes much to the vision and leadership of James Edward Oliver. His teacher, Benjamin Peirce, always said that "Jimmy Oliver was the best mathematician who had ever come under his notice."
This page provides, for each mathematics faculty who did advised graduate students, the complete list of the Cornell mathematics Ph.D.s they supervised. Only those faculty all of whose Cornell students obtained their Ph.D. before 1940 are included here. Except for James Oliver who come first, the faculty are listed in decreasing order of the number of Ph.D.s earned under their supervision. Two faculty, Ralph Agnew and Burton Wadsworth Jones, advised graduate students at Cornell both before and after 1940 and are not listed here. The years given for each faculty are the years of appointment at Cornell (not including emeritus appointment).
James Edward Oliver, 1871-1895
- 1886 Hiram John Messenger, Modern Methods in Geometric Conics.
- 1888 Cadwallader Edwards Linthicum, On the Rectification of Certain Curves, and Certain Series Involved.
- 1893 Ida Metcalf, Geometric Duality in Space.
- 1894 Annie Louise McKinnon, Concomitant Binary Forms in Terms of the Roots.
- 1895 Agnes Sime Baxter, On Abelian Integrals, a Resume of Neumann’s ‘Abelsche Integrele’ with Comments and Applications.
Virgil Snyder, 1895-1938 (43 Ph.D.s)
- 1902 Peter Field, On the Forms of Unicursal Quintic Curves.
- 1904 Clarence Lemuel Elisha Moore, On the Classification of the Surfaces of Singularities of the Quadratic Spherical Complex.
- 1906 Oscar Perry Akers, On the Congruence of Axes in a Bundle of Linear Line Complexes.
- 1906 Elmer Clifford Colpitts, On Twisted Quintic Curves.
- 1906 Charles Herschel Sisam, On the Classification of Scrolls of Order Seven Having a Rectilinear Directrix.
- 1908 Anna Lavinia Van Benschoten, The Birational Transformation of Algebraic Curves of Genus Four.
- 1909 Joseph Vance McKelvey, The Groups of Birational Transformations of Algebraic Curves of Genus 5.
- 1910 Helen Brewster Owens, Conjugate Line Congruences of the Third Order Defined by a Family of Quadrics.
- 1911 Paul Prentice Boyd, On the Perspective Jonquieres Involutions Associated with the (2, 1) Ternary Correspondence.
- 1912 Frank Millett Morgan, Involutorial Transformations.
- 1914 Anna Helen Tappan, Plane Sextic Curves Invariant Under Birational Transformations.
- 1915 Lewis Clark Cox, The Finite Groups of Birational Transformations of a Net of Cubics.
- 1916 Joseph Vital DePorte, Irrational Involutions on Algebraic Curves.
- 1917 Temple Rice Hollcroft, A Classification of General (2,3) Point Correspondences Between Two Planes.
- 1917 Anna Mayme Howe, The Classification of Plane Involutions of Order 3.
- 1923 Jesse Otto Osborn, A Study of the Rational Involutorial Transformations in Space Which Leave a Web of Sextic Surfaces Invariant.
- 1924 Marian Marsh Torrey, Classifications of Monoidal Involutions Having a Fixed Tangent Cone.
- 1926 Fay Farnum, On Triadic Cremona Nets of Plane Curves.
- 1927 Hazel Edith Schoonmaker, (later, Wilson), Non-Monoidal Involutions Having a Congruence of Invariant Conics.
- 1927 Howard Conway Shaub, Rational Involutorial Transformations in S(4) Which Leave Invariant Four-Fold-Infinity Quadric Varieties.
- 1928 Hannibal Albert Davis, Involutorial Transformations Belonging to a Linear Complex.
- 1930 Leaman Andrew Dye, Involutorial Transformations in S(3) of Order n with an n-1 Fold Line.
- 1930 Ethel Isabel Moody, A Cremona Group of Order Thirty-two of Cubic Transformations in Three-Dimensional Space.
- 1931 Evelyn Teresa Carroll (later, Rusk), Systems of Involutorial Birational Transformations Contained Multiply in Special Linear Line Complexes.
- 1931 Horace Newton Hubbs, Analytic Study of Rational Quintic Surfaces Having No Multiple Curves.
- 1931 William Robert Hutcherson, Maps of Certain Cyclic Involutions on Two Dimensional Carriers.
- 1931 Charles Chapman Torrance, On plane Cremona Triadic Characteristics.
- 1932 Amos Hale Black, Types of Involutorial Space Transformations Associated with Certain Rational Curves.
- 1932 John Montgomery Clarkson, Some Involutorial Line Transformations Interpreted as Points of V(2) of S(5).
- 1932 Ira Owen Horsfall, Transformations Associated with the Lines of a Cubic, Quadratic or Linear Complex.
- 1932 Edwin Joseph Purcell, Involutorial Space Cremona Transformations Determined by Non-Linear Null Reciprocities.
- 1932 August Sisk, The Plane Symmetric Quintic Cremona Involutions.
- 1933 Helen Schlauch Adams (later., Infeld), On the Normal Rational n-ic.
- 1933 Roberta Frances Johnson, Involutions of Order 2 Associated with Surfaces of Genera P_A=P_G=0,P_2=P_3=0.
- 1934 John Albert Hayden, The Weddle and Kummer Surfaces for Restricted Positions of Six Base Points.
- 1934 Gertrude K. Blanch, Properties of the Veneroni Transformation in S(4).
- 1935 Livingston Hunter Chambers, On (2,2) Planar Correspondences.
- 1935 Harriet Frances Montague, Certain Non-Involutorial Cremona Transformations of Hyperspace.
- 1935 Clarence Raymond Wylie, Space Curves Belonging to a Linear Line Complex.
- 1936 Lawrence Henry Bowen, Composite Double Curves on Rational Ruled Surfaces.
- 1936 Ross Arthur Harrison, Cremona Webs in S(3) Without Base Curves.
- 1937 Jesse Emmert Ikenberry, An Involutorial Transformation with a Multiple Correspondence on Lines Joining Conjugate Points.
- 1939 Sara Louise Nelson, Cremona Transformations Belonging to a Family of Cubic Curves.
Wallie A. Hurwitz, 1910-1954 (13 Ph.D.s)
- 1914 Joseph Rosenbaum, Mixed Linear Integral Equations over a Two-Dimensional Region.
- 1917 Chester Claremont Camp, An Extension of the Sturm-Liouville Expansion.
- 1920 George Merritt Robison, Divergent Double Sequences and Series.
- 1923 David Sherman Morse, Relative Inclusiveness of Certain Definitions of Summability.
- 1924 Julia Dale, Some Properties of the Exponential Mean.
- 1924 William Whitfield Elliott, Generalized Green's Functions for Compatible Differential Systems.
- 1927 Percy Austin Fraleigh, Regular Bilinear Transformations of Sequences.
- 1927 Florence Marie Mears, A Special Function of One Variable.
- 1927 Hillel Poritsky, Topics in Potential Theory.
- 1930 Ralph Palmer Agnew, The Behavior of Bounds and Oscillations of Sequences of Functions Under Regular Transformations.
- 1930 Walter Hetherington Durfee, Summation Factors which Are Powers of a Complex Variable.
- 1932 Robert Horton Cameron, Almost Periodic Transformations.
- 1934 Joseph Lev, The Effects of Linear Transformations on the Divergence of Bounded Sequences and Functions.
John Irwin Hutchinson 1894-1935 (6 Ph.D.s)
- 1904 John Wesley Young, On the Group of the Sign (0, 3, 2, 4, ∞) and the Functions Belonging to It.
- 1906 Richard Morris, On the Automorpic Functions of the Group (0,3,l_1,l_2,l_3).
- 1908 Clyde Firman Craig, On a Class of Hyperfuchsian Functions.
- 1910 Harold Bartlett Curtis, Hyperabelian Functions Expressible by Theta Series.
- 1917 Hans H. Dalaker, On the Automorphic Functions of the Group (0, 3; 4, 6).
- 1924 Julia Trueman Colpitts, Entire Functions Defined by Certain Power Series.
Francis Robert Sharpe 1907-1938 (6 Ph.D.s)
- 1914 Robert Wilbur Burgess, The Uniform Motion of a Sphere Through a Viscous Liquid.
- 1927 Arthur Keller Waltz, The Steady Flow of Liquid Through a Circular Hole in an Infinite Plane.
- 1928 William Thomas MacCreadie, On the Stability of the Motion of a Viscous Fluid.
- 1929 Joseph Crawford Polley, Rational Surfaces Defined by Linear Systems of Plane Curves C(3N):(A exp n))(B exp (n-1)).
- 1929 Franklin Grandey Williams, Families of Plane Involutions of Genus 2 or 3.
- 1931 Thomas Watkins Hatcher, Symmetric Strain in an Infinite Plate with a circular Hole.
James McMahon, 1884-1922 (4 Ph.D.s)
- 1888 Rollin Arthur Harris, The Theory of Images in the Representation of Functions.
- 1907 Francis Robert Sharpe, The General Circulation of The Atmosphere.
- 1912 Stanley Eugene Brasefield, A Study of Certain Force Fields.
- 1915 Carl Joseph West, On Certain Formulas for Representing Statistical Data.
David Clinton Gillespie, 1906-1935 (4 Ph.D.s)
- 1928 Ralph Lent Jeffery, The Uniform Approximation of a Sequence of Integrals and the Sequence of Functions Which Define a Definite Integral Containing a Parameter.
- 1931 Louis John Paradiso, Solutions of Bounded Variation of the Fredholm Stieltjes Integral Equation.
- 1933 Vivian Streeter Lawrence, Closed Orbits in Central Distance Force Fields.
- 1935 John Adam Fitz Randolph, Carathéodory Measure and a Generalization of the Gauss-Green Lemma.

George Abraham Miller, 1897-1901 (3 Ph.D.s)
- 1901 William Benjamin Fite, On Metabelian Groups.
- 1901 Harry Waldo Kuhn, On Imprimitive Substitution Groups.
- 1902 Henry Lewis (Louis) Rietz, On primitive groups of odd orders.
Walter Buckingham Carver, 1906-1948 (3 Ph.D.s)
- 1928 Howard Adams DoBell, On the Geometry of the Triangle.
- 1930 Harry Isler Lane, The Separation of the Projective Plane by the Lines Joining Six Points.
- 1932 Ralph Alexander Beaver, Finite Plane Euclidean Geometry.
Marston Morse, 1920-1924 (2 Ph.D.s)
- 1926 Bradford Fisher Kimball, Geodesics on a Toroid.
- 1926 Donald Everett Richmond, Geodesics On Surfaces of Genus Zero With Knobs.
Arthur Ranum, 1906-1934
- 1923 Alan Ditchfield Campbell, Advanced Analytic Geometry.
Lloyd Garrison Williams, 1920-1924
- 1925 Elbert Frank Cox, Polynomial solutions of difference equations.

Charles Fredrick Roos, 1928-1931
- 1931 Helen Calkins, Some Implicit Functional Theorems.

William Flexner, 1934-1947
- 1938 Charles Erwin Clark, Simultaneous Invariants of Complex and Subcomplex.

Daniel C. Lewis, 1936-1940
- 1939 Clair Joseph Blackall, On Volume Integral Invariants of Non-Holonomic Dynamical Systems.