Fractals 8 Resources
We are excited to announce that the 8th Cornell Conference on Analysis, Probability, and Mathematical Physics on Fractals will be held June 16, 2025 - June 20, 2025
The purpose of this conference, held every three years, is to bring together mathematicians working in analysis and probability on fractals with students and researchers from related fields.
Financial support will be available for a limited number of participants, covering housing in Cornell’s single dormitory rooms and partially supporting other travel expenses. We acknowledge financial support from NSF DMS Conference Grant Award Number 2452501.
All interested participants are strongly encouraged to apply, including students, junior researchers, and members of underrepresented groups in STEM. Given the limited funds, well-established researchers are encouraged to use their own travel funding, as the NSF expects most support to be allocated to otherwise unfunded mathematicians.
This conference firmly supports the Welcoming Environment Statement of the Association for Women in Mathematics, the American Mathematical Society Policy on a Welcoming Environment and the American Mathematical Society Policy Statement on Anti-Harassment.
Further information will be posted here as it becomes available.
Updates for 2025 are in progress. Please read carefully.
2025 Fractals Registration is now open. Go to the following link to register:
- Please register by Feb 28th 2025, late registration will be open until May 31st 2025.
- Priority for funding will be given to requests received by February 28th 2025.
- We anticipate funding decisions to be sent by mid-March 2025.
On-campus housing has been reserved at Balch Hall for interested participants. On-campus housing will be a separate registration from the department Fractals registration and is administered through Cornell Conference Services. You will be able to indicate if you are interested in housing during the department registration and a link is provided to take you to the housing registration portal.
Housing Check-in will be conducted at the Robert Purcell Community Center Service Desk after 2pm on June 15, 2025. No early arrivals are permitted without prior arrangements. The Robert Purcell Community Center Service Desk is open 24/7.
Housing Check-out is no later than 10am on June 21 unless otherwise arranged.
Reception: TBD
Tentative list of keynote speakers:
- Eric Akkermans, Technion
- Shayan Alikhanloo, TU Chemnitz
- Wolfgang Arendt, University Ulm
- Antoine Ayache, Laboratoire Paul Painleve Universite de Lille
- Michael Barnsley, Australian National University
- Fabrice Baudoin, Aarhus University
- Raffaela Capitanelli, Sapienza Universita Di Roma
- Simon Chandler-Wilde, University of Reading
- Li Chen, Aarhus University
- Fabio Cipriani, Politecnico di Milano
- Gabriel Claret, CentraleSupelec
- Simone Creo, Roma La Sapienza
- Gerald Dunne, University of Connecticut
- Celine Esser, Universite de Liege
- Uta Freiberg, University of Chemnitz
- Chris Gartland, UC San Diego
- Mahya Ghandehari, University of Delaware
- Jasun Gong, Aalto University
- Kumiko Hattori, Tokyo Metropolitan University
- Alan Haynes, University of Houston
- David Hewett, UCL
- Masanori Hino, Kyoto University
- Lizaveta Ihnatsyeva, Kansas State University
- Marius Ionescu, United States Naval Academy
- Stéphane Jaffard, Université Paris-Est Créteil
- Palle Jorgensen, University of Iowa
- Simon Kajino, RIMS Kyoto
- Kamil Kaleta, Wroclaw Univ. Sci. Tech.
- Matthias Keller, Univ. Potsdam
- Jun Kigami, Kyoto University
- Sabrina Kombrink, Birmingham University
- Celine Lacaux, Universite d'Avignon
- Pierre Yves Gaudreau Lamarre, Syracuse University
- Maria Rosaria Lancia, Roma Sapienza
- Daniel Lenz, University of Jena
- Liangbin Luo, Queen's University
- Georgi Medvedev, Drexel University
- Andrea Moiola, Univ. degli Studi Pavia
- Volodymyr Nekrashevych, Texas AM University
- Robin Neumayer, Carnegie Mellon University
- Kaj Nystrom, Uppsala University
- Anders Öberg, Uppsala University
- Roberto Peirone, University Roma Tor Vergata
- Katarzyna Pietruska-Paluba, Uniwersytet Warszawski
- Olaf Post, Universitat Trier
- Elodie Pozzi, Saint Louis University
- Hua Qiu, Nanjing University
- Anna Rozanova-Pierrat, University Paris-Saclay
- Luana Ruiz, Johns Hopkins University
- Ecaterina Sava-Huss, University of Innsbruck
- Stephane Seuret, Paris-East Creteil University
- Nageswari Shanmugalingam, University of Cincinnati
- Ryosuke Shimizu, Waseda University
- Karl-Theodor Sturm, University of Bonn
- Zoran Sunic, Hofstra University
- Sascha Troscheit, Uppsala University
- Konstantinos Tsougkas, Hoegskolan i Skoevde
- Jeremy Tyson, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- Beatrice Vedel, LMBA Universite de Bretagne Sud
- Patricia Alonso Ruiz, University of Jena
- Michael Hinz, Bielefeld University
- Kasso Okoudjou, Tufts University
- Luke Rogers, University of Connecticut
- Laurent Saloff-Coste, Cornell University
- Alexander Teplyaev, University of Connecticut