Kieval, Transcendence Prize Winners Announced

At the Department's virtual Commencement ceremony on Friday, May 28, three graduating seniors received departmental awards:

Ely Sandine '21 is this year's recipient of the Department's Transcendence Award in recogntion of his leadership in the math club, contributions to the math support center, as well as excellence in academics.  This included all of the departments honors courses, a senior thesis, and several graduate mathematics courses.  Ely graduates Summa Cum Laude in .

Nathaniel Bannister '21 is a co-recipient of the Department's Kieval Prize, in recognition of his excellence in academics, including the completion of four graduate core courses, a senior thesis representing a joint solution of a problem from the 1980s, and extensive graduate coursework in logic.  Nathaniel graduates Summa Cum Laude in .

Aaron Luo '21 is a co-recipient of the Department's Kieval Prize, in recognition of his excellence in academics, including the completion of all six of our graduate core courses in mathematics, as well as our graduate coursework in probability.  Aaron graduates Summa Cum Laude in .

Read about other departmental awards, including faculty and graduate student awards, at the College of Arts and Sciences' Student Awards page.

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